Chapter 1

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Narrator's P.O.V...

*Hearing the news/narrator*

"Fifteen year old's Alicia and Samantha Lorel were killed in an car accident this morning at 10 a.m Friday morning. A memorial will be held tomorrow at 6 p.m at Halo funeral home with a closed casket for both twin girls. We will always remember these girls as fun loving and kind. they will never be forgotten."

Alicia's P.O.V...
10 years later...

Ugh my head why is everything echoing I don't understand this. "Sis are you okay?" Sam asked. "I think so just have a small headache but I'll live" I said. We started walking around when we saw a tv that was talking about 2 teenage girls and they look like Sam and I hmm I wonder. "Please pay your respects to the girls even if they don't know you or even if they did and you didn't know them but heard the story of their tragedy those girls were loving and sweet always loved K-pop music and having fun like dancing in public and showing the world how they always acted even being smart to stick together but now that won't happen again since they sadly passed away please pray for their souls now!" The news guy said and it went to Commercial showing all stores and such. We kept walking and noticed someone but didn't think anything of it they looked at us like they could see us. "Hello I'm like you a ghost but don't worry at all, anyways I have to see someone that can see me finally anyways bye" the girl said and started walking away but stopped and turned to look at us. "Oh also I forgot to tell you I'm sally I died 5 years ago and you?" She asked. "I have a feeling it was like 8 years ago but I could be wrong but if we are wrong it was 7 years ago I can't remember I only know our names nothing else" I said. "I also only know our names but not how we died or anything like that" Sam said. "I know that feeling I finally found out how I died but I'm waiting to get revenge on the person who killed me or at least if I get justice but I don't think I'll be getting that anytime soon" sally said. "Yeah if we know how we died we would want justice too but probably won't wanna leave since we would still have unfinished business here on earth as well anyways" I said. "Yeah that's understandable" sally said. "Yeah but let's meet again if we have a chance before you ever move on and leave" Sam said. "Yeah of course it'll be nice!" Sally said. "Yeah it really would be!" I said giggling. "Oh one more thing someone will see and hear you one day just you wait when the time comes they will help you figure everything out and even help you fall inlove again even if it's forbidden but it won't be ever since you guys won't be leaving like you said but anyways I got to go now bye!" Sally said and she disappeared from sight. "Let's walk around sis and see what we can find or we can teleport as ghosts anywhere in the world we want to!" Sam said in a happy tone. "Let's go to South Korea and visit the place !" I said happily. "Let's go!" Sam said and grabbed my hand and we disappeared for Japan area all the way over to Korea and started floating around checking stuff out until Sam turned to me. "Sis look over there! Its JYP building! Let's go it's still daytime I bet we could see a lot of boys dancing!" Sam said. "Yes let's go I wanna see them for free instead of having to pay!" I said. We walked up to the doors and looked at them for a second and Sam floated threw them so I did the same thing and then we started to look around as boys in a group called day6 was walking past us but they didn't notice us since we are ghosts so we started walking deeper inside and heard music so we fastly floated to the room and looked inside the room and who we saw was Stray kids practicing their dances together so Sam being Sam snuck in by floating through the door and hid in a dark corner of the room and manifested into a hard shape of a silhouette of a girl in the shadows I did the same thing and all the boys noticed it and tried to take a closer look and we moved into the light but still had a black shape of girls and they ran out of the dance studio and got PD-Nim to take a look and we just turned back into our ghost forms and they could still see us but the manager could not. "Why am I in here?" The manager asked. "We saw something like dark figures or something thought you would be able to see them but guess all the practice is getting to our heads" Lee know said. "Okay well then go home and get some rest then" the manager said and left the room the boys didn't notice us still standing there so they got their stuff and started leaving as we followed and got into the van with them as we all went to their house well dorms I should say that they lived in.  (It's actually dorms I didn't mean house)

The van pulled in and parked as all the boys got out and got their stuff and started heading inside the dorms so we followed them not trying to be creepy but at least to see if they actually saw us and didn't act like they did so we floated throug...

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The van pulled in and parked as all the boys got out and got their stuff and started heading inside the dorms so we followed them not trying to be creepy but at least to see if they actually saw us and didn't act like they did so we floated through the wall by the door and got into the living room and I stood in the hallway and used as much energy as I could muster up and show myself to the boys as they came in they still didn't notice me so after a few seconds one boy started walking over to my direction and sam mouthed to me that it was bang Chan and I looked at him and he looked up at me and screamed then turned around breathing heavy and the rest of the boys ran over and saw me standing in the hallway and looked at me wide eyed. "Who are you and how did you get in here!" Seungmin kind of yelled. I couldn't keep hold anymore and changed back to a full fledged ghost again but they can still see me it looks like. "Hello I'm Alicia and I'm obviously a ghost as you can see and we don't know anything about anyone or us besides our first names" I said. "Who is us?" Felix asked. "Um well you see there is more then one ghost in your dorm sadly" I said. "How many more are there?" I.N asked. "One other" I said. "Where are they at?" This time Changbin asked. "She's sanding right there leaning on the wall behind you guys" I said and pointed to Sam behind them. "Hello!" Sam said but not way to loud. "H-Hello!" Felix said blushing a little bit. "Hello Felix I'm Sam but that's all I know except me and Alicia look alike and I don't know if we were sister or not but we also haven't found out how we died yet either" Sam said. "I can search it up for you girls and find something out about it" Hyunjin said. "Can you please we would like to know who we are and how we died" Sam said. "Yes we can do that for you cuties" Felix and Bang Chan said. "Thank you!" We said at the same time. "You're welcome" hyunjin said. "We will just vanish for now holler if you need us or find something!" Sam and I yelled and vanished. "We will" the boys said all together.

Finally finished this chapter after a year the next one will probably take a while too because of how long it'll be to think of stuff to write but I hope you guys liked this enjoy for now! See you in the next chapter! :). Also we don't own stray kids and all rights for the pictures go to original owners and also stray kids go to themselves anyways bye!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2022 ⏰

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