25 ▪︎▪︎▪︎Name, age where do you live

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Jisung babbled so fast at the doctor and went straight the kitchen sink to get a quick wash and water. He then turned to Chan who's just standing waiting for him to say something.

"I'll be fine. Thank you, Hyung. Please say thanks to Changbin as well." Jisung knows Chan has to go, They've done this a couple of times.

Actually more than a couple, Jisung attracted an unhealthy amount of attention and aggression, doing excessively great in his first year and kings took a liking to him as to how he held himself every single time. It was crude.

Chan's the one who took Jisung under his wings and protection seeing how he is a a trouble-magnet when he is just a plain sweetheart, It reminded Chan too much of someone.

Minho looked at Chan knowingly.

Chan nodded and waved goodbye, patting Minho on the shoulders on his way out.

The doctor went to take a quick look at Jisung first. Holding two fingers up and asking him to follow it with his eyes and she moved her hands side ways and changing the finger to one.

"I'm still thinking straight." Jisung weakly stuck out a tongue as he answered everything right and the doctor sighed in relief.

"Fucking hell child, That thick skull of yours will not hold out if you keep calling me with a bleeding head." The doctor then hurried up after confirming Jisung's head is still intact and did a quick check up with a stethoscope and some deep breathing in the back, nodding, She then goes to check the one on the bed getting all her kit and suitcase.

"I'm not nauseous at all. I'm not gonna have seizures."

"Uh-huh, and I'll have to put you both on a fucking CT scan still, It was always just you who comes with a bashed head and now you've got another one. this poor thing..."

"Jisung." Minho's voice shook, he looks like a lost child. Minho would panic if he can but he simply didn't. He stood there blankly.

Jisung paused and smiled apologetically for a bit.

"Sorry...My bad.'' Jisung's faced changed instantly and lost his energy, he felt like falling down right now when he turned to Minho. he looked down at his shirt and it's worn down tear and holes. It's grimy, dirty. His heart fell more, when he saw Minho frowned.

"Help me bathe?" Jisung smiled and Minho blankly strutted his way to Jisung and hugged him lightly, carefully, lifting him and Jisung latched naturally on him, letting his body fall on Minho. He felt all his tiredness and fatigue when Minho carried him.

Jisung shuts his eyes, he is tired and felt Minho slaps his cheeks.

"Don't sleep."

He heard Minho's stern voice.

Minho took careful steps on his way to the bathroom.

Minho just let the cold water run to in the tub and even put ice on it, turned the lights off and lighting the candles on while still carrying Jisung who started sobbing hardly on him as they set foot inside. The tub overflowed as he slowly sat down inside the tub dipping himself and Jisung, their bodies altogether.

It's ice cold. He gently removed Jisung clothes bit by bit, shaking his head, frowning, at every bruise it revealed, especially the big map of purple-maroon patch on Jisung's side and ribs.

Minho felt like he could actually kill someone.

Jisung clutched on Minho's drenched polo shirt, crying out with his arms around Minho's neck moving slightly occasionally to help in removing his clothes while Minho stayed clothed and soaked on the water. Minho repeatedly shakes his head in silent disapproval as he gently cleaned Jisung up.

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