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Trunks was pissed, and everyone was on his shit list. His mother, for bringing that damn ray to the table when she knew better. Goten and Bulla, for being lucky enough not to be affected by the beam. Pan, for following him to the sink and crashing into him. And at himself, for reaching out to catch Pan for some unknown reason.

Now Trunks was stuck in a woman's body. Not just any woman's body- Pan's body! Pan! The girl on the very top of his list of people he didn't want to deal with. Every time he looked in a mirror now, he'd see her bleak face staring at him. He was going to go nuts.

To make matters so much worse, Pan was inside his body. She sat beside him on the couch, and Trunks fought with every fiber inside of him not to smack her for the way she had his body curled up. She had his knees pressed against his chest, eyes wide as she tried not to hyperventilate into his knuckles.

"Panny," Goten was in the chair beside the couch next to Pan. "It's okay," he placed a hand on 'her' shoulder. "Bulma will fix it, won't you, Bulma?"

Trunks glanced up at his mother, who was pacing across the floor. "Of course, of course," she nodded. "It's okay-" but there wasn't anything convincing about her voice.

"We're fucked," Trunks commented.

Bulma gasped and turned to look at him. "I'm used to vulgar words coming from Trunks' mouth, but to hear it from Panny's-" she shook her head and had a scandalous expression on her face.

"I know," Bulla agreed with a nod of her own.

Beside him, Pan let out a small whimper.

"Will you stop that?!" Trunks snapped at her. "Will you stop curling up my body like some abandoned puppy! That's not how I sit!"

"You're not exactly sitting like Pan sits either," Bulla snapped back.

Trunks glared at her before he glanced down. He was leaned back against the couch, he had Pan's arms crossed over her chest and her legs sprawled open. She was wearing jeans. It wasn't like they could see anything, so he didn't know what the big deal was.

Bulma let out a sigh. "Listen, the part comes in Friday, and by Saturday, Trunks, and Pan should-" she shook her head and corrected herself, -"will be back in their own bodies. Until then, you two will have to pretend to be each other for the next week."

"You mean, you want Trunks to go to school for Pan, and Pan to go to work for Trunks?" Goten asked.

"Exactly," Bulma nodded.

"What?!" Trunks shot up. "You really think she can handle CC, she's-"

"Oh, hush it," Bulma waved a hand towards him. "She's not going to be alone. I'll be with her every single day. She won't even have to do anything but show up. I'll handle everything."

"You don't think our employees will know something is up when I suddenly don't understand a damn thing?!"

"You never take a day off, Trunks!" Bulma huffed. "It would be more suspicious for you to suddenly not show up for a week. And you, of course, will have to go to school for her."

"What?" Trunks felt his brow tick. "You expect me to go to school as some teenage girl?!" He nearly hissed.

"That's exactly what I expect, and that's what you'll do!" Bulma snapped.

Trunks grumbled as he fell back onto the couch. The situation continued to get worse and worse. Not only was he stuck in Pan's body, but now he would have to go to school for her?!

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