Chapter 53 - The DA Detention

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"You'll be okay by tonight, as your bones will be mended and the bruising will be gone in a few days, but you have to take care about the stitches" she said as she handed me a potion.

After I drank it, I was in a lot less pain and I changed to my clothes and headed back with Fred and George.

We went to the common room where everyone was sitting and bolted up when they saw me. Ron was about to hug me, when Fred and George came in front of me and stopped him.

"She has a few broken ribs" Fred said folding his hands over his chest.

"No hugging" George completed, doing the same as his twin.

"I'm fine, you guys" I said as I sat down on the couch.

"How did you fall?" Ron asked as everyone looked at me for an answer.

"I... erm, I slipped as it was raining" I lied while Hermione glared at me. She knew I was lying.

We went to dinner, with Fred and George not leaving my side at any times. I was being glared by Parkinson and the others, while she kept touching Draco's arm.

Draco. I need to tell him, not what happened, but that we can't be together.

After dinner was over and everyone had left, except for Fred and George, I turned to them, "I have to talk to Draco" I said and they looked at him.

"Love, tell him"

"He'll make sure nothing like this happens again"

"No" I said quickly, "If I am ever near him, she's gonna hurt him, or even worse, kill him. I can't take any risk. I have to do it and if I tell him, he's gonna kill them" I completed and headed towards the exit where Draco was standing with Blaise and Theo.

"Malfoy" I said as he turned around.

"Malfoy? Whatever happened to Draco or Daddy?" he asked as he placed his hands on my waist. I hissed a little which he quickly noticed.

I pulled out of his grasp and said, "We can't see each other anymore, we weren't official anyways, so-"

"Wait, what?" he asked confusingly while I continued, "Turns out, that I still have feelings for Harry" I said, knowing Harry's name coming out of my mouth will infuriate him.

"Are you kidding me, Montgomery?" he said pushing me into a wall, making me hiss in pain. He furrowed his eyebrows and looked at me.

"Get off her, Malfoy" Fred and George said from beside us and he did.

But he didn't move, he kept staring into my eyes. Like he was searching for something. Maybe the truth.

"I know you're lying and that something happened to you. I'm gonna find out and I'll make sure they pay" he said clenching his jaw.

"I'm not lying" I said as I went to Fred, while George was nowhere to be seen.

"We're almost done with the tutoring, so I think it'll get you by the OWLs" I said and left for my common room.

"Thank you, Freddie" I said resting my head on his chest, while he hugged me.

"Don't thank me, love" he said as George joined us.

"Where were you?" I asked and he blushed.

"What?" I asked and he replied, "Angelina"

"Ooh" I said dragging it and making him blush more.

I was smiling on the outside, while dying on the inside.

How can liking someone hurt so much? How can protecting someone hurt so much? How can breaking up with a person, who you were not in a relationship to begin with, hurt so much? How can protecting someone you love-

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