Prologue - Starting Up

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As the game of Unturned evolved over the years, the creator - Nelson Sexton made the super server available to the public as long as you followed his set of rules allowing a fair chance to every player either starting out or respawning.

NPCs were also created by Nelson such as bandits, police, military and other wierd and wonderful characters. The map was a new creation and of similar contrast to the Chernarus of DayZ - still an old version of the map but revamped, improved and almost capitalised by western-style industries.

Once the server was active, my friends and I joined, we took up civilian jobs and settled in quite well. NPCs were unexpectedly useful and immersive which allowed for excellent performance and realistic experiences. We still had our stats showing in the bottom corner of the screen: Health, hunger, thirst, stamina and radiation levels for survival mode.

I took up the role of a gun salesman and worked in a gun store in Chernogorsk - or Cherno, otherwise known as - and I was able to live in an apartment nearby and near the top floor paid for by my manager and informed me that it was only temporary until I could afford my own apartment. The room itself was quite spacious with a bedroom, kitchen, bathroom and living quarters on one level.

We played on the server for a few days collecting funds, dinner at the local diners and made enough progress to help start up our armoury consisting mostly of rifles and melee weapons. Before purchasing the plot, we saved up for vans, trucks and transporters for heavy storage. I even had the chance to deal with some Youtubers such as Nylex and Fudgy and formed a friendship of a sort after a few well-performed services behind the counter - I also felt calling them by their real names deemed rather disrespectful from my point of view and they were used to their cover names regardless.

After a while of regular conversation with them over a few days, I was invited to eat at a pizzeria with Nylex and some of his casting crew which was a very nice offer.
We discussed different subjects from Unturned Roleplay to survival and single player modes - I even mentioned some of my lesser memories on his old semi RP server. Days went by and my friends and I were able to buy a bit of land to make a proper base for ourselves located near Staroye, just north of Elektro and further inland. The plot cost a few hundred thousand Unturned Credits - or U-creds - from which, we managed to build a fairly spacious home with everything we needed from easy access to the roads and a nice view overlooking the entire southeastern coastline and hills to effective camouflage as we built the structure within the woodland and our overview was mostly hidden by the treetops of thick, dark pine trees.

We moved all of our belongings except a few basic essentials and a small arsenal each. We gradually stockpiled on ammunition and medical supplies as well as MRE packs.

One night I turned off my PC and went to bed only to awake in the bed of my character's household from Unturned itself. I left the bed and looked out of a window of the apartment, I could see everything happening as if things were normal. I look down to find my body as real as life it's self and believed this was a deep sleep of some sort.

As I leave the building, birds were chirping and the skies were clear blue with the people going about normal lives. I pretend everything is fine and look around to see every player was like me and every NPC stayed as they were. I head to the store for my regular morning shift however it wasn't long until my manager noticed me and even he seemed more realistic - as if the same thing happened to him. He had a black goatee, blue jeans and a white shirt with a stocky bodybuild and Californian accent.

Manager: "Hey... you're real too! Glad I'm not the only one sucked into this world."

"You mean... this is really happening? I thought I was dreaming."

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