"What are you doing with me?" She asked.

"Here's what you're going to do," He ordered. "You are going to take a right at the end of the driveway and walk to the main road, you're going to flag down a cab and ask for a ride to the Grand Matro Hotel." He looked down at her making sure she was absorbing all of the information. "You're going to go to room 124, knock, and say this," He gave her a small blurb to repeat and pushed her out the door. "Go on."

She started to walk down the driveway, each step creating a crunching sound against the disheveled rocks beneath her feet. The driveway was lengthily, at the end there was a right turn. It was surrounded by trees but she could see the side of a road near the end of it. Longing for a hug from her mom, dad, and brother, she began to sprint down the gravel road. She quickly became winded and got a cramp in her stomach. She hadn't had anything to eat or drink since yesterday morning. She was in the same clothes that she had worn to school the day she was taken. She had blue jeans that didn't quite fit her waist, they were loose and fell off some when she walked. Her shirt was white and long-sleeved and it had a pink and orange butterfly on it. There were dirt and blood stains on the shirt and small rips in her jeans from the sharp rocks in the floor of the room.

Her nose and cheeks were pink from the cold. Once she finally reached the side of the road, she waved both her hand above her head, trying to get the attention of a yellow speeding taxi. At last, one slowed down next to her snd asked if she needed help. He clearly thought it was strange that such a young girl had just flagged down a taxi by herself.

"Hello," She said, her voice scratchy. "I need to go to Grand Matro Hotel." The cab driver smiled at her.

"Are your parents with you sweetheart?" He asked. She shook her head and opened the door to the back, not taking no for an answer.

"Grand Matro?" He questioned, looking for clarification.

"Yes sir." She replied.

They sat in quiet for a bit until the cab driver broke the silence. "What happened to your face?" He glanced back at her. Sadie knew she couldn't tell the truth, he told her she couldn't. He said if she did he would know.

"I fell." She replied calmly. "How long will it take to get to the hotel?" She asked, sitting up slightly. Her face was overwhelmed with a shooting pain, causing her vision to blur and her head to ache.

"I'm pulling up now." He answered. "Do you have money?"

"No," She said, shutting her eyes, trying to stop the pain that was radiating throughout her head and face. "I'm sorry."

"It's ok," He responded. "Have a good one."

She clicked open the car door and stumbled inside, barely able to see through the white light blinding her. She was dizzy and disoriented as she approached the elevator. She clicked the button to the second floor and leaned against the wall as it carried her up flights of the building. Her ears started to ring as the doors opened but she pushed through, she needed to see her family again and she needed to get her friends away from that man. She walked down the hall, it was now dark outside. The hotel carpet absorbed the sound of her footsteps. She braced the wall for support, she couldn't stand on her own. Her vision was almost completely blacked out by bright white lights and her head was spinning.




She was barely able to make out the numbers on the door but when she did, she knocked and waited, leaning against the wall closest to the room.

JJ was laying on her bed, going over case files when she heard the knock. It's probably spencer, She thought. She slowly got up and walked towards the door. It was 8pm but she was planning to go to bed early, she knew she would have a lot to do tomorrow. She talked to Emily after revealing that her sister Ella was kidnapped by the unsub, she was very concerned. JJ couldn't stop herself from crying while talking about it. Her baby sister was taken by a murderous monster and she couldn't do anything about it.

She opened the door to be greeted by a small, fragile girl. Her face was covered in dried blood snd bruises snd she was shutting her eyes tightly as if her head was pounding.

"I'm Sadie," She whispered, she felt like she was being stabbed in the face. Her head spun in circles and she couldn't steady herself. "He told me to come here, please help my friends." Everything went black and she collapsed into JJ's arms.

"REID! MORGAN! HOTCH! EMILY!" She knew they were only a few doors down and they all came urgently emerging from their rooms, shocked at the sight of the injured girl in JJ's arms. JJ was crying and holding the little girl tightly.

"Is that?" Emily began her sentence but JJ interrupted her.

"Sadie," She cried. "It's Sadie." Emily pulled the girl from her arms and laid her in her back.

"She doesn't have a pulse." Emily began to perform CPR as JJ watched in shock. She was on her knees with her hands over her mouth. Tears were falling from her eyes uncontrollably.

"We need to find Ella," She bawled. Spencer got down on the floor and held her in his arms. He looked confused as to why she showed a special interest in Ella. JJ looked him in his eyes. "Ellas my sister."

Hotch called for medical as Sadies body convulsed and came back to life. She took a few sputtering breaths and opened her eyes.

That was a close one.

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