Part 1

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I finish curling my hair and spray it with hairspray and turn to Maggie "So what do you think of my outfit, casual enough for casual Sunday?"

"Yeah it's fine," she says putting on her heels "Definitely more casual than mine."

I pack my stuff back up and sit back on the bed "Not that you don't look cute but why are you dressing up so much?"

"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you that we're picking up Zach's friends," she smiles "And Stephen is coming."

"Hey, guys the king has arrived," Zach comes in and lays on the bed.

I move over and he leans his head on my lap. I grab my phone and play a little Tetris while we wait for Maggie to finish her hair.

"Is Aaron coming with us?" I ask.

"Yeah, he was the first to agree," Zach says grabbing my phone "Why you wanna know."

"I just do okay," I say trying to grab my phone back.

"Wait you have a little crush on Aaron don't you," He smirks.

"No, I was curious as to who was coming." I groan.

"Sure biscuit," He smirks "I'm definitely telling him about your little crush."

"Please don't?" I beg but he just ignores me and opens Snapchat and takes a few selfies "Ugh the amount of photos I have of you in my memories is outrageous." I groan.

"But you love me anyways," he smiles and kisses my forehead.

"If some random person was to look through my phone they'd think were dating." I groan.

He just shrugs and pushes me out of the door and into his moms mini van.

"You look nice today V." Zach says opening the passenger door for me.

"Thank you," I say getting in "Please don't tell Aaron I like him."

"Why are you so worried I'm sure he'll like you back."

"I just don't wanna be embarrassed."

He looks at me confused but gets in the car and we wait for Maggie. When she finally gets in the car we head off to pick up the guys. They all decided to stay at someone's house so it'd be easier to pick them up.

Surprisingly they all dressed up in slacks and a button down. Stephen and Aaron even wore ties. They all great us and I wave high back to them.

"Evie, you look really pretty today," Aaron says.

"Thanks." I say not even looking back.

"Hey Aaron, Evie here had a little crush on you." Zach says pinching my cheek.

The color drains from my face. I hear Aaron say something but I don't process what it is. I just grab my phone and endlessly scroll through my messages.  As soon as we pull into the church I jump out of the car and head into a fellowship hall and lock myself in a Sunday school room.

I can hear heavy footsteps following me but luckily I get to a classroom before they catch up. I hear them knocking on the door, I ignore them and focus on calming myself down. I didn't plan on bringing those feelings up again, or even talking about them with Aaron.

"Evie, I'm sorry." I hear Zach call out "V let me in."

"Stop calling me V we're not kids anymore," I yell back at him.

"Come on I'm the one who gave you the nickname." He says "Just open the door please."

I open the door and let him in "How come you ignored Aaron when he said he liked you back."

I open the door 

"Because I already knew, we kinda talked last summer. He was sweet and respectful and anytime I asked him about going on a date I'd get shut down. The one day he took me out finally, and a couple days later he asked for nudes. I said no of course and after that he got really hateful and so I ended it."

He doesn't say anything instead he turns around and starts to march outside.

"Zach where are you going?"

"To beat him up," he says not even stopping to look at me.

"No," I run up and grab his arm "you aren't gonna do anything, or tell anyone what I said."

"Why should I do that?" He groans.

"Because I asked you not to, and I'll buy your lunch if you don't." I smile and rub my thumb on his arm trying to calm him down.

"Hmm, how about we just walk into church like this." He says pulling me closer "You by my side with your arm wrapped around mine, make him realize what he lost."

I laugh "Should I make it seem more legit by calling you babe."

I see his cheeks tint up a little but he tries hiding it by  a smirk "Of course."

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