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the normal stuff!!

if youre new to command games, you might as well read this!! if youre not new to command games, feel free to skip this section!

so, command game- if you dont already know what that is, it is a very cool roleplay sort of game, where the admins have created their very own world, and players get to play in this world.
each moon, you comment commands. what are commands, you ask? well, one of the most important parts of the game!!
to start a command, you use a slash. (/)
after that slash, you put the thing you want to do. for example; hunt, patrol, forage, and many more!!
commands differ with each command game.
there are the basics; hunt, patrol, gather
and then, unique commands. not every game will have unique commands, but some do!
for example; build a house, upgrade house, hold a ceremony
without you, the story would not progress.
each moon, you get a certain amount of energy you can use. most commands only take 1 energy, while some can use all of your energy.
your energy will be shown on your cat's profile, so dont worry!!
if you have any questions, ask!!

the "twist" ✨

what makes this different from other games, you may ask? well... lots of things, actually. in this game, you have to create a town. there are different roles, aswell;

the leader of the community. they are in charge of everything- every major decision must be ran through them.
3 energy
( will be voted in. only one )

vice mayor;
the cat who shall take over the mayor position when the mayor dies. they are second in charge, and everything must also be ran through them.
3 energy
( will be chosen by the mayor. only one )

the doctor of the town. these cats are very important aswell, as they make sure every citizen is in good health.
3 energy
( unlimited )

the warriors of the town. they do most of the stuff to keep the community up and thriving.
3 energy
( unlimited )

the apprentices of the town. they are assigned a citizen to train them by the mayor. if lucky, the mayor themself will train them, or the vice mayor and doctor.
2 energy
( unlimited )

the mothers of the town. they have their own babies to take care of <3
0 energy
( only 4 at a time )

the kits of the town.
1 energy
( unlimited )

the old, retired cats of the town.
2 energy
( unlimited )

other things to know

-im afraid this isnt an actual town-- more of just there are several camps connected together, and many "houses", which in reality, are just normal warrior cat dens.
just let these kitties believe they live in an actual town, k? k :)

( always put your cat's name after your command. for example, / hunt with... (sunwhisker). )

/ hunt with...
you go hunting.
1 energy

/ patrol with...
you patrol.
1 energy

/ gather with...
you gather.
1 energy

/ forage with...
you forage.
1 energy

/ heal (cat name)
you heal an injured/sick cat.
1 energy

/ train ___skill with...
you train another cat's skill, or they train yours.
1 energy

/ bond with...
you bond with a cat.
no energy, but only once per moon

/ breed with...
you breed with another cat; will have kits in 2 moons.
1 energy

/ wander in heat
you wander in heat; will be gone for 2 moons.
1 energy

/ search for kits
you search for kits; will be back in 2 moons.
1 energy

/ play with...
you play.
can be used once per moon

/ protect...
you protect a cat against any harm; must be done in pm's.
0 energy

/ murder (cat)
you murder a cat.
0 energy

/ poison (cat)
you poison a cat.
0 energy

/ attack...
used in events.
.5 energy

/ defend...
used in events.
.5 energy

/ hide
used in events.
0 energy

/ escape
used in events.
all energy

/ dont eat
youre moved to the end of the eating order
0 energy

/ start a ceremony for (cat)
used for ranking up any cat.
0 energy

/ bury (cat)
used to bury a dead cat.
1 energy

/ build a house
you build a house so you can sleep.
1 energy

/ upgrade house
you upgrade your house to fit more cats.
1 energy


hunting chart
skill level 0: catches 0 prey
skill level 1: catches 0-1 prey
skill level 2: catches 0-2 prey
skill level 3: catches 1-2 prey
skill level 4: catches 1-3 prey
skill level 5: catches 2-4 prey

battle chart
skill level 0: score of 0
skill level 1: score of 1-20
skill level 2: score of 10-30
skill level 3: score of 20-40
skill level 4: score of 30-50
skill level 5: score of 40-60

gathering chart
skill level 0: gathers 0 sticks
skill level 1: gathers 0-2 sticks
skill level 2: gathers 0-4 sticks
skill level 3: gathers 2-4 sticks
skill level 4: gathers 2-6 sticks
skill level 5: gathers 4-8 sticks

foraging chart
skill level 0: forages 0 herbs
skill level 1: forages 0-1 herbs
skill level 2: forages 0-2 herbs
skill level 3: forages 1-2 herbs
skill level 4: forages 1-3 herbs
skill level 5: forages 2-4 herbs

healing chart
skill level 0: cannot heal
skill level 1: can heal slightly injured and cough (uses 2 herbs)
skill level 2: can heal whitecough (uses 4 herbs)
skill level 3: can heal injured (uses 6 herbs)
skill level 4: can heal greencough (uses 8 herbs)
skill level 5: can heal all but nightcough (uses 10 herbs)

bond chart
level 1: associate
level 2: acquaintances
level 3: friends
level 4: close friends
level 5: mates

house chart
normal house: 10 sticks
to upgrade your house: 10 sticks
nursery: 25 sticks


water will come and swoop u away >:) be sure to escape

forest fire

fire!! be sure to escape

snows osnkwnske,, hide!!

continue your day as normal-- but dont go out alone!! you may get lost, or even struck by lightning


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