Chapter 2

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Rin's POV

I wake up with a huge pain In stomach I try to get up but the pain won't let me and also a pair of arms which belongs to kakashi I turn into a tomato because I've had feelings for kakashi for so long I fantasy about him all the time him holding me in his arms and cuddling me but he has been distance ever sense obito died I try to hang out with him all the time but he always says no about a minute goes by and he starts waking up

Kakashi's POV

I wake up to see a rin red as a tomato and I realizes my arms are around her I take my arms off of her

Kakashi: morning rin are you feeling any better

Rin: yeah I feel a bit better where's the rest of the other shinobie

As she said that minato sensei came out of his sleeping bag and answered rins question

Minato: the others got a head start and headed to the hidden leaf I'll carry the rest of the stuff here  kakashi put rin on your back and let's go

Kakashi: yes sir

As I pick up rin I look at the tree where I saw that boy his hair was covering his face so I couldn't see who he was but I'm glad he helped
us when he did or me and rin would be dead

Rin: you ok kakashi?

Kakashi: yeah I'm fine rin

Minato: ok I'm done here let's get moving

Rin/kakashi ok

We were jumping from tree to tree nothing out of the usual until I swear i saw that boy again and again every time I looked back he would be behind me I picked up the past and I was right next to minato sensei we made it back to the village I looked behind me one more time in the woods and he wasn't there thankfully we enter the village and we take rin to the hospital the doctors say she has to stay there for a few days

Obito POV

Finally I was back in the leaf village it's been so long since I've been here everything has changed so much wow it's starting to get dark already maybe I should sleep somewhere oh I know the perfect place

Obito starts walking threw the wood running into branches and the occasional snake so nothing important finally the young uchiha make it to a old uchiha hide out that only uchiha's can access i go to one of the archives to learn about the mangekyou sharingan

After a few hours of reading I learned some stuff about the mangekyou sharingan and about a chakra being called a susanoo and all it's stages and a lot of other things but I shygo see rin that injury looked really bad

(2 hour time skip)

I made it to the hospital to see rin I use my mangekyou to phase threw the walls surprisingly no one was there I made it to rins room she was sleeping I go over to her bed to see her all bandaged up I stare at her for awhile and I take in how cute she is she starts waking up and I immediately go into the kamui dimension

I wake up to something or someone watching me sleep I open my eyes to see a cloaked boy disappear immediately but I didn't sense any bad aura around and it was almost familiar it felt like obito but he's dead it couldn't be maybe I was hallucinating from the amount of blood I lost i fall back asleep

(The next day)

Kakashi POV

Gai: come on kakashi fight me

Kakashi: I said no gai how many times do I have to tell you

Gai: come on Kakashi we have to put are youth on the line in cold blooded battle and push our selves to the next level that's what youth is about

(I forgot to mention there still kids)

Kakashi: mhm

Gai: we're you even listening to what I just said

Kakashi: no

And with that answer gai stopped bothering me I went to the hospital to see how rin was doing I enter her hospital room and see her sitting up on her bed looking out the window

Kakashi: yo rin

Rin let's out a little ek noise

Rin: don't scare me like that Kakashi and I'm doing fine

Kakashi: yeah sorry about that anyways I'm glad your feeling better they said you can go home when you want your injuries are almost healed

Rin: yay I can't wait to go home and see my mom and dad again

Me and rin talk for a bit and it eventually gets dark outside I say bye to rin and I leave the hospital to go home as I'm walking down the path to go to my house I see that same clocked boy standing in front of me I pull out a kunai and throw it at him but it went threw him that's when I used my chidori on him but it was the same I went threw him all my attacks went threw him who the hell is this guy

Obito: kakashi

I herd him say my name he almost sounded sad and on the verge of tears

Kakashi: who are you and how do you know my name

He picked up the kunai I threw at him and starts cutting the hair that's in his face once he's done he drops it and takes off his hood that's hiding his face and what I saw was

Kakashi: obito

Obito: long time no see Kakashi

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