
Comenzar desde el principio

He's gorgeous.

Making his way towards me, he covers his yawn and tries to tame his hair. Grinning at his antics I wish to take him in my arms and kiss his forehead.

Control Wangji.

The closer he gets, I observe dark circles under his eyes. He hasn't slept a wink. He looks totally exhausted.

"Good Morning. Have you been waiting for me all this time?" His voice is so deep and sensuous. With a smirk I nod, "Would be lying if I deny it. You look exhausted."

"Yes. Had an emergency surgery. Just got out. I thought you'd have left." How can I? When my heart wishes to be with you.
"I made a promise to you Wei Wuxian. I am a man who is known to keep up his promises."

With a smile he hands me a bag and wishes, "Happy Birthday!"

My eyes instantly sparkle, "Woah!" I did not expect this at all!

"Saw your records last night. Nice way to start your birthday in a hospital." He teases.

Not the one to back out with a grin I state, "I got to meet you, so that's positive for me."

"Hope you like chocolate cake." Pointing towards the bag he comments.

"With you here to share it with me, I am game for any cake. By the way, I like my birthday present. Thank you!"

"The cake?" He enquires innocently and I take a step closer to him, "Nope. You."

Go for it Wangji!

Is he blushing? Could he be any more adorable?

Taking a step back I open the car door for him and he without any further question enters my car. Placing the cake on my lap, I take a seat next to him and Mr. Tee drives us away from the hospital.

"So where are we heading?" He enquires with a yawn and I smile.

"To my place."

Surprised by my confession he enquires, "Um, your place? I was under the impression you're taking me out for breakfast."

"I am taking you out for breakfast and that is back to my place. Last night you informed me of pulling a 48 hour shift. Knowing that I assumed you would want freshen up and rest a bit, so thought taking you back to my place would be the next best thing. You can even sleep there for a while if you want and rejuvenate yourself. No one would disturb you."

Turning to face him, I was surprised by the emotions in his eyes.

"Mr. Lan-"

"Wangji. Call me Wangji."

"Wangji, that is quite thoughtful of you. Thank you." He became quite and I knew no words were needed at this moment. Before I could process the situation, my shoulders felt heavy and I realised that Wei Wuxian has placed his head on my non injured shoulder. He's asleep. Poor soul must be truly exhausted. Letting him rest, I meet Mr. Tee's eyes via rearview mirror and he smiles kindly at me.

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