He stares at me for a moment while he keeps my hands in his, his eyes narrowed as if he is trying to read into my soul. I can't help the quiet sigh of relief that escapes my lips when he finally lets go of my hand and turns to Brad whose body is as tense as ever next to me.

"Bradley", Reggie says with a nod of his head as to acknowledge his presence.

Clearly the two are already acquainted. Nothing I didn't already know. Brad's head bows but he doesn't say a word and Reggie's attention quickly turns back to me.

"Please, have a seat", he says as he points at the sofa next to us and sits himself on one of the armchairs facing us.

Brad and I sit down quietly. The tension in the room is so thick I find it hard to breathe. There is a moment of silence as Reggie looks at the two of us. He is sitting back on his chair, crossed-legged with one ankle on his opposite knee while the two of us are sitting as straight as a T on the edge of the sofa. It wouldn't take long for anyone coming in the room right now to know who's in charge.

"That looks painful", he says, still staring at me, breaking the uncomfortable silence. "May I ask what happened?"

My heart is pounding in my chest, my head buzzing with confusion. I am sure he already knows what happened. There's no way Isaac hasn't told him.

"You already know what happened", Brad answers through gritted teeth, his fists clenched.

Reggie's gaze doesn't move from me.

"As a matter of fact, I do", he confirms as I struggle to keep eye contact with him.

His gaze is so powerful, my instincts are screaming at me to look at my feet right now.

"But I'd like to hear the story from her mouth. I am sure the lady can talk for herself, can she not?"

I can feel the tension radiating through Brad's body. He is really struggling to stay in control. Before I can register what I'm doing, my hand reaches for his in a vain attempt to calm him. Reggie notices it immediately and I remove my hand as fast as it came in contact with Brad's in the first place. For a quick second, his lips curl into a sly smile before he regains a neutral face. As low and quiet as it was, I heard the grunt that escaped Brad's mouth at the sight. What have I done?

Reggie is now looking at me, his smile inviting me to share my story. I swallow, fidgeting with my fingers on my lap.

"Joaquin's men", I manage to say, not sure where to start and what to say. "He-he was suspecting I was with Isa-with you", I stammer, my heart beating faster and faster as Reggie looks at me with interested eyes.

I stop talking. What exactly does he want me to tell him? He already knows the whole story.

"I'm listening, please don't feel like you need to pause", he says after I stopped talking.

I am dying to turn my head and find Brad's conforming eyes. I need a dose of courage right now.

"They hit me", I say, shivering at the memory. "And after I wouldn't talk, they hit again, and again", I add, tears forming in the corner of my eyes. "Until your men came in"

The smile of satisfaction on Reggie's lips grows larger the more I share. He is enjoying every second of this.

"Keep going", he says when I stop again, not hiding his thrill for the story.

I swallow again and do as told.

"It was five of them against at least twenty of your men", I try to recall the events after desperately trying to forget them. "Quickly Joaquin was the last one alive, and he took me as leverage to get out"

The shaking in my body doubles up at the memory. I can't hold my tears anymore and they fall silently, leaving my cheeks wet and glistening.

I see Brad shift on his seat in the corner of my eye and I shake my head as to get myself together. I can't let him lose control.

"At first he was sure it would work, but he started having doubts and I took advantage of his confusion to-", I continue, my stomach feeling sick but I swallow it down.

"You're so close to the end, please don't stop there", Reggie says, amusement clear in voice.

He's getting off on this. Whatever fucked up game this is, I know it's not gonna end well for me or Brad.

I stare into Reggie's waiting eyes. They shine with entertainment.

"I grabbed whatever was available to me and hit him with it", I say, continuing to refuse to say the words he is clearly waiting for me to say.

Something flickers in his eyes. He's losing patience.

"For heaven's sake, young lady, are you going to finish your story or not?"

My chest is heaving as I struggle to breathe, tears spilling like waterfalls. I don't want to say it. I don't want it to be real. I shake my head uncontrollably, hoping he'd have some mercy.

"Say it", he orders as he uncross his legs and leaned forward. "Say. It."

"I killed him!", I finally snap.

I want to scream and hit something, someone, him. But of course I don't. Instead I close my eyes to try and gather myself. The room is quiet again, except for the sound of Brad's loud, jerky breaths. When I open my eyes, Reggie is looking at me with a contented smile. He got what he wanted. But why did he want to hear me say it? Just to make me suffer?

"So you did", he agrees matter-of-factly.

He's not even trying to hide his satisfaction. Joaquin being dead is probably good business for him.

"You put yourself in a very dangerous situation here, Joy", he says, emphasizing my name. "I am sure you are well aware of who Joaquin was"

I nod silently.

"That leaves me wondering, why exactly did you want to meet with me so badly you killed someone for it?"

My blood turns to ice. Here we are, finally getting to the heart of the matter. Brad's body language is screaming his desperation to come to my rescue, but there's nothing he can do for me right now. This is between me and Reggie.

"I wanted to kill you"

Eeek I'm sorry, but you know my love for cliffhangers 😬. Hope you liked the chapter! Still working hard I my new book, 22 chapters down already! Can't wait to share it with you 💃🏼

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