Chapter one

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Obito's POV
I wake up in a very cold and dark place and the right side of my body is gone I try to figure out what happened and then it hit's me I saved kakashi from a huge Boulder and  half my body was crushed and the next thing that hits me is rin and her that sad face of hers I try to get up but the pain won't allow me to until I here a voice from the darkness

Madara: your finally awake

Obito: are you the one who saved me gramps

Madara: yes I found you in one of my secret tunnels I brought you here and patched you up

Obito: well thanks gramps how can I repay you do you need help with bathroom stuff or something

Madara: hmph that sounds nice but there's no need to thank me well not yet at least 

Obito: ok then I would love to stay but I have to get back to my comrades

I try to get up again but I get the same results as last time

Madara: you shouldn't get up or the medical care I gave you would be a waste of time and resources

Obito: ok then so who are you gramps

Madara: I am Madara uchiha

I froze in my place the man that helped me and saved me was madara my grandfather the supposedly should've died

Obito: thats Impossible everyone know madara should've died in the second grate shinobie war 

Madara: I wonder about that anyways I'll be going to sleep now these two will watch you

I herd a loud snap echo threw the cave and out from the darkness came out two human like figures

Zetsu: leave it to us boss we will take care of this brat for you

Tobi: hi can you poop

I'm going to die down here aren't I

(3 day time skip)

Still obito's POV

It's been I have no clue how many days it's been madara gave me a artificial arm and I got use to it pretty quickly it's already grown to the size of my other arm so I might get out of here soon don't worry rin I'll be out of here soon and when I do I can finally tell you how I feel about

Tobi: hey obito look at this

I look at tobi which is on my back helping me work out and he shows me a drawling of poop


Tobi is there for a good 2 seconds before he starts laughing like a crazy person I continue my work out with his annoying laughing in the back thankfully his laughing woke up madara and yelled at him to shut up he did thankfully

( let's get to the two year mark already 2 year time skip)
Obito's pov

Obito: oi zetsu how long has it been

Zetsu: 2 years are still thinking of escaping

Obito: yup

I get up off my bad and head to the wall that was trapping me in this hell hole

Obito: thank you guys for letting me stay here but I have to get back to rin and my village

I brake the wall with one punch and it shaders but my arm falls off in the process as I'm about to leave until I heard madara's voice

Madara: I'll be seeing you soon obito

I just turn around and look at him and I start running while grabbing a robe and I finally get outside after what felt like a eternity I start jumping from tree to tree when I realized I have no clue where I'm even going until I herd a loud roaring in the distance I start heading to the loud creature and I see the 3 tails fighting a bunch of mist anbu I look to my right and I see kakashi and rin with my own very two eyes (obito still haves both eyes deal with it) I see that there in danger and I see that rin is injured heavily this traumatizes me enough to unlock my mangekyou sharingan I use my new sharingan to take rin and kakashi to the kamui dimension and I start running away from the fight that is happening with the mist anbu and bit turtle I start looking for minato sensei and after what felt like hours I finally found him and his squad I activated my mangekyou Sharingan and take rin and kakashi out of the kamui dimension of course while making the mistake of accidentally burning kakashi's butt everyone starts laughing at kakashi's burning butt until they finally stopped and went to give rin first aid and to make sure kakashi's butt is ok I decided to stay hidden until they went back the village I don't know why though something told me to wait

Kakashi's POV
After getting humiliated in front of my sensei with my burning butt act I decided to look around and see who brought me and rin over here to minato sensei but I found no one not a single soul in sight i decided to cheek on rin and see if she was ok and if she's going to make it

Kakashi: is she going to make it

Medical ninja: she will be fine you two should get some rest minato has extra sleeping bags you two can have and don't worry about your butt it wasn't that bad of a injury

Kakashi: ok thanks I guess

Medical ninja: mhm

I set up me and rins sleeping bags and I look around one more time to see if I can spot anyone I look up to one-off the trees and I see a cloaked figure we make eye contact for about a second and he starts to disappear into a swirl
I decided to keep it to my self until tomorrow and go to sleep

Kakashi: I wonder who that is

(Ok that's it for chapter one I hope y'all enjoy I'll see y'all later peace)

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