Chapter 18: Scouting the Ogres and New Orders

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Michelle and Stura got back to the fortress before sunrise and though Michelle was tired, she joined her sister for the greeting of the sun. She still needed to resolve her feelings about what had happened in the forest. If she had proceeded the way she intended, they would have knocked the sorcerer out and left him to recover in the forest. Then he would likely have returned to his tribe and possibly fought against them at a later date. Conflicted and in turmoil, Michelle wasn't focused on her acrobatics, and her performance was less than her best. She knew that Sarah would notice and there would be questions. She wasn't ready to talk about it yet.

She sought out Fandy after her workout. She was at the cooking pot, preparing breakfast and Michelle sat nearby waiting for an opportunity to speak with her. She accepted a plate of bacon and eggs and devoured them while she waited, withdrawn and introspective. When everyone had eaten and Fandy was available she stepped over to her, touching her arm. "Fandy," she said in a quiet tone, "could I have a word?"

Fandy gestured and they went into the tent office setup for Michelle. Desk. Chair. Bed. Functional, small, and soon to be taken down during their withdrawal. Michelle gestured for Fandy to take the chair, and Michelle sat on the bed.

"Did Stura speak with you?"

Fandy nodded, her expression ranging through differing emotions. "She tell Fandy about captive."

"She's your apprentice, Fandy: I don't want to step in, but you know that what she did is unacceptable, right?"

Fandy nodded and made an idle gesture with her right hand. "Stura already apologize. Say it not happen again. Fandy will remind her."

Michelle nodded at that and then moved on, leaving the matter in Fandy's hands. "I need to get a message to the Akroatis. But I'm not ready to send it yet. I think Stura and I need to do more scouting tonight. If the ship arrives today though, please come and wake me. There are things I need to discuss with Captain Wilson. Hopefully we'll be out of here in a couple of days." A pause and then, "Has the Akroatis sent us anything?"

Fandy shook her head and Michelle shrugged. "He'll need a report of the talon engagement if nothing else. Alright, that's all I had. Go see to your apprentice. Make sure she's resting for the mission tonight."

Fandy came over and hugged Michelle, before heading off. Michelle smiled and lay down on her cot. She thought about how fortunate she was to have such good friends like Fandy. Then she drifted off to sleep.

Michelle dreamed that day. She was in Alsip, in her ball gown on her own. The Nerakans were out in force as usual, but they weren't looking for her or any of her team. They sought a man whose face she knew, but not his name. Somehow she was guided to the Tipsy Mermaid and then on to a room upstairs. She had the key. She unlocked the door, entered and turned to close and lock the door behind her. In the room was a desk with a big armchair, along with a large four-poster bed, a fireplace with a mantle, tapestries on the wall and rugs on the floor. The room was most out of place for the Tipsy Mermaid. A man sat in the chair at the desk, and when he turned to look at her, she recognized his face. The man was the Akroatis.

"Well, it's about time," Michelle said with a grin. "I've had terrible nightmares many nights since we started this mission to rescue the elves, why not one of you as well?"

The man stood and looked in Michelle's direction as if he were looking through her. When he spoke his tone was distant, disconnected, not at all the consummate actor Michelle had dealt with in Pensdale. "This is a one way message," he said. "I cannot hear or see you. I choose this way to deliver this message for fear of it being intercepted in the usual way. Your actions against the Nerakans has induced in them much animosity. They are dispatching a Skull wing to deal with you. They will arrive in a week. Do not be at Waw.

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