Chapter 7

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Connor's POV

''Now on to the next-'' Colton started but got interrupted by Jasmine

''Wait, since it has been a while we all ate, go take some some snacks and what I mean by some is only 3''. Jasmine said

''How did we not see the snacks before?'' Brad asked

''We made them invisible'' Colton said and then winked at Jasmine, who at this point, was bright red.

''Now get's started'', Jasmine said right after she succeeded to hide her blush

I packed you some food, a couple of blankets, and a few gold coins I've been saving," Froggy told the twins, and handed Conner a sheepskin satchel. 

"Thank you so much," Alex said. "It's so kind of you!" 

"Now, when you say food, what exactly are you referring to?" Conner asked, holding the satchel a safe distance away from him. 

"Some rolls and apples," Froggy told him. 

"Oh, good," Conner said, relieved. 

Froggy handed Alex the map and journal they had been looking at the previous night. "Are you sure you're ready for this?" Froggy asked them. "You're both awfully young to be going on a quest like this." 

Alex and Conner looked to each other, each thinking the same thing. It was hard enough to navigate around their own world at their age; could they really travel around a different world altogether without the help of an adult? But the twins found reassurance in each other's eyes; they knew that, through it all, they'd at least have each other. 

"We really don't have any other choice," Alex said. "Thank you so much for all your help, Froggy. We would still be lost in the woods without you. "Froggy smiled widely and nodded. 

"Of course," he said. "I should be thanking you. I rarely have an opportunity to feel so useful." 

"Are you sure you don't want to come with us?" Alex asked. "A map is great and all, but a tour guide would be better." 

At first, Froggy's smile grew with excitement as he was tempted by the idea. The thought of traveling out into the world and leaving his hole-in-the ground home was so alluring, it was clear he could feel the temptation throughout his entire body. However, his fears and insecurities about the outside world seeing him and what he had become erased the opportunity from his mind. 

"I can't, children," Froggy said with a heavy heart. "But I wish you the best." 

The twins were disappointed, but they understood. It was difficult for them even to go to school with just a small blemish on their faces; they couldn't imagine the stress of facing the world as an enormous amphibian. 

"It's very important that you get out of the Dwarf Forests by sundown, "Froggy instructed. "Go to the path and travel south into the Corner Kingdom. It's a few hours' walk, but you'll be safer there. Travel as quickly and quietly as you can. Promise me." 

The twins promised. Alex gave Froggy a big hug and kissed his cheek. Conner shook his hand and then wiped it on his pants. 

"I hope we see each other again," Alex told him. 

"That would be lovely, but for your sakes, I hope we don't," Froggy said, and winked. 

Conner clapped his hands. "All right, those items for the Wishing Spell aren't gonna find themselves," he said. "Let's go." 

TLOS characters reacts to the Wishing Spell {Day 1}Where stories live. Discover now