Wolf spider is back, and he is angry Part 3 (request)

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Part 3 of thebirdfantasy's request
Omg this one is so long I'm haveing so much fun!

[Kid Arachnid POV]


I woke up to a headache, a scream, and a shrieking symbiote?

I got to my feet and saw white tiger, Scarlet, and Venom (mega mode) fighting, oh man, WOLF SPIDER?

I remembered that time in my old dimension when me, qwen, and spidey blasted this guy to bits, apparently the bits weren't small enough.

I had a sudden realization, Wolf spider had Spider-Man!

I cloaked myself and waited for the battle to end.

((Line break))
((After battle))
((Still Mile's POV))

Wolf spider ran away, I followed for about an hour till' he arrived at an old building.

He disappeared for another hour and came out again. He left and I went in.

Oh my gosh. Spidey was chained to a wall, starved, shaking, and suffering from a newly broken leg. I whispered in the dark,


His head snapped up, "Miles?"

His voice was horse and dry. I found the key and got him out, "Easy, easy."


I whipped round', but it was just the rest of the Web Warriors, "Guys thank goodness!" I explained the situation.


Scarlet was rageing, Venom was already gone, looking for Wolf spider, Iron Spider was contacting the triscellion.

((Line break))

[Spidey POV]

Everything hurt, my lungs, my throat, my head, my very skin. I tried to stand up.


"Woah punk calm down!"

Scarlet was standing at the foot of the bed, with him was Squirrel Girl, Nova, and Fury. Why did it have to be Fury?

"Kid Arachnid didn't have time to explain the evil you running around so care to explain?"

"Cant I go back to sleep?"

Fury glared at me, "No"


I retold the story of Wolf spider, Qwen, and the siege perillus. Then I passed out from exhaustion, broken ribs, and starvation.

((Line break))
(No POV change)

I woke up, White Tiger and Spider-Woman were on watch now, masks off, both with bruises, cuts, and protective expressions.


They whipped around and tackled me, nearly suffocating me. "DONT DO THAT AGAIN!"

"I was KIDNAPPED don't blame me!" I yelled through the two girls hugging me.

We heard a noise downstairs and walked down, the girls supporting me. The others walked in, dragging a very beat-up Wolf spider.

This day just got a lot more satisfying

[a/n] yo I actually did it, this request was so inspiring and I actually cried writing it the EMOTION! 😍 Yo we need more wolf spider calamities OwO

The End

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