symptoms and struggling lie

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sid and abi went downstairs and starts having dinner peacefully, while eating sid starts coughing badly he covered his mouth with hand and after few seconds he saw blood in his hands...he was shocked , he know each and every moment is taking to his last moment and this is one of them, he quickly hide his hand and wiped his mouth with a tissue as abhi went near him to offer some water.

he didn't feel like drinking water as his mouth starts tasting blood

sid : bhai i will be right back

abhi, va : chote/ sid kya hua thum thik haina

sid nodded and went from their to wash his mouth

at avneet's side

she stars listing all her last wishes, she knew she can fulfill some of them easily but she knew her dream of having a true love will never come true. but however she did not feel like cutting that wish from her beutiful diary.

avu's pov

from childhood to uptotoday i have always dreamed about my charming prince but destiny made a drastic move. i was sad as first but iam not now. i somehow manage myself because i know if someone born in this world he or she have to leave this world someday but how can i  explain this to mom , from the time she get to know this truth , she is weeping and weeping day and night. whenever she notice any symptomps of mine toward my last stage, she break down their itself, and it is really hard for me to bear it

pov end

at sid's side 

he washed his mouth and came out from his washroom suddenly for few minutes everything starts getting blurr...and he felt dizzy....he sat on his bed keeping my head on his knees to pass the dizziness...,

sid's pov

i was keeping my head on my knees in curled up posture when i heard the door getting pushed ..i quickly stand up as i know abhi bhai is here to check on me i know he will get shocked to see me in this state.. but looks like i cannot bear this state vision get blurr and i felt that my body is going to hit the floor but i realise someone holding me i know its abhi bhai....i think i cannot hide the truth anymore....and then i became senseles

pov end

abhi was crying and shouting sid's name top of his lungs which made va enter sid room fastly as thuderbolt ,

her eyes get widen seeing him in that condition, she too ran to him and start patting his cheeks, the sprinkle water on sid but it was not useful

abhi : mom i think we should call a doctor right now

va nodded and called doctor with shaky hands....

at avu's side

she starts coughing badly and blood starts comming out from her mouth and nose, she was trying hard to sleep but she cant...she somehow made herself near her table and drink her tablets which relax her

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