𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 32

509 13 7

(before i start. i think cg2 is coming and the album might be called ff like ss and kk. i found sources on Twitter but it might be something made up so idk. Please please PLEASE go read me and definitelynotbee new story called heather. This is our account conanstans )
You woke up in the middle of the night, around 4:50 because of the same dream you had about conan.
"Ugh" you said softly as you got up from bed, it was dark but you could see that Conan was still asleep.
You slowly opened the door and went out to the living room just to sit around.
ugh im kinda hungry
but im so lazy to get up
You pulled yourself together and got up to look for something to chew one for your empty stomach
You walked to the kitchen which wasn't really that far and opened the fridge.
"(Y/n)?" A voice emerged out of nowhere
You froze has if you were a thief stealing from the fridge
"Uhm" you turn around to see a tall figure
The figure walked closer to you and it was clear that it was conan
"I realised you were gone when i woke up" he explained
"Oh yeah, I got hungry" you said to him as you took yogurt out of the fridge
that's half a lie and half not
"Yeah me too" he said to you while scratching his head then proceeded to tuck his hair back
"Do you like bananas? There's some over there" you pointed at the counter with bananas
"Bananas are my favourite (y/n) I eat banana bread. Did you forget?" He joked as he took a banana
"Yeah I guess I did" you realised after he said it
You open the lid of the yogurt and started eating
should I tell him about this dream I had?
but i trust him.
but then.. ugh idk
I would break his trust
BUT THEN if I tell him he might think I'm insane
"I don't think I'll be able to go to sleep, but I'll try" Conan said randomly
"hm?" You wider your eyes as you had a spoon in your mouth
"Oh nothing important." He said smiling and threw the banana peel away in the bin
"Oh okay." You obviously had something in your mind
"Are you okay?" Conan said as he put his hand on your shoulder
"Yeah, imma go for a walk." You said and walked in your room to get your phone and some earphones
"Oh.... okay" Conan was concerned
You walked passed him as you got out.
I hope he doesn't take it the wrong way
I just need some alone time
You walked out, put on your earphones and played "all I want" by olivia rodrigo
(oooo feels)
[conans view]
somethings not right
what's wrong with (y/n)
did my present ruin their mood?
did they have a bad dream?
is it about their parents?
they miss their friends?
would it be creepy if i followed them?
it's dark....
im only being nice right?
not creepy.
i think
You walked into (y/n)s room to get some sandals
thank god i brought these
You wore them and as hard as you can tried not to act creepy while following (y/n)
[back to your view]
'all i have is myself at the end of the day and all I want is for that to be okay.."
The song ended and you paused walking
then you hear tiny shuffles
your not getting kidnapped are u?
or is it a crocodile? (i cant help with the joke)
just turn around omg
You turned around to see no one (Conan why u hiding)
okay (y/n) why are you so paranoid
turn back around and keep walking
You turn your head back forward and continued walking
"ah fuck" you could hear a tiny whisper almost impossible to hear since you had your earphones on.
i heard a voice i'm not being paranoid
You took off your earphones and turned back around
"NO ONE, I see no one" you talked to yourself
whatever one song is enough for me
You walked backed
"oh shit" you hear shifting around a tree
As you were walking toward thats shifting tree
"omg (y/n)?" a mans voice appeared
You turned to see someone you couldn't recognise
"Uh who are you?" You awkwardly asked
"Felix? We went to highschool together, i was that kinda chubby white boy" he joked
"Omg, we sat next to each other at science. You were a huge help, look at you." You took a quick look at felix. Obviously he was running but you asked to spark up a conversation anyways
"Why are you up at 5am?" You asked him as shifts his legs
"i always run early, how about you? I literally haven't seen u after graduation" he said smiling while raising an eyebrow
(lmao Conan be like 🌳🧍🏻)
"yeah because i moved to LA for college. It was a quick move" you said to Felix
"Well I understand THAT, do you wanna go eat some breakfast later?" Felix asked you as he puts his phone away
(he said oh that's sad, anyways😍)
"I'm not sure but I'll give you a call if I can, do you still use the same phone number?" You asked Felix just in case
"yep, same old phone number from highschool ha..." Felix awkwardly joked
(man idk what direction im going with felix)
"Okay see you maybe" you said and walked away awkwardly
"uhhhh, we're you spying on us?" Felix suddenly said to someone
"uhm can you keep it low" a tiny mumble you were trying to word out
You finally decided to turn around
"what the hell conan?" You said in relief that it wasn't some stalker
"why was this 'conan' following you?" Felix didn't seem amused
"i swear i wasn't trying to be creepy. its kinda late and you going out alone was dangerous... i guess" Conan awkwardly said scratching his head
"Dumb ass cmon" you waved at him to come and he came over quickly
(help just imagine him doing that)
"wait (y/n) who is he?" Felix didn't want to trust Conan
"Closed relationship" you ended the conversation
"i would say we are 'more than' friends" Conan said and lowered his voice at 'more than'
omg please stfu
"uh. as long as he isn't a creep, nice meeting you i guess" Felix looked petty and annoyed
"You too" Conan smiled then the two of you walked the opposite direction
"Were you hiding behind the tree the whole time?" You asked him
"Maybe.., yes" Conan joked to you as he got more comfortable and hold your hands
let your inner self SCREAM
(that is so cute im dying)
"Are you gonna go eat breakfast with FELIX" Conan said jokingly
"Idk I WAS gonna ask you and my parents" you joked back at him
"I'm fine with whatever you do but your mom, ha different conversation" Conan and his dark humour
"Exactly" you clicked your fingers as you said

, yes" Conan joked to you as he got more comfortable and hold your handslet your inner self SCREAMTHATS SO CUTE STOPPPPPPPP(that is so cute im dying)"Are you gonna go eat breakfast with FELIX" Conan said jokingly "Idk I WAS gonna ask you and my pa...

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

conan has becomed one of the facebook moms.
and im scared
anyways this chapter of conan kinda reminds me of youtube conan.
kinda bitter sweet, mostly sweet
thank you for reading and
i love y'all so much !!!! <33
written date: 23-25/1/21
release date: 25/1/21

The cut that always 𝖇𝖑𝖊𝖊𝖉𝖘|| Conan Gray Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ