I chuckled, Pansy is annoying and unbearable, I understand why Draco got away from her.

Draco : " Why are you out here? "

Satori : " Oh, I probably wouldn't be able to sleep if the HufflePuff's are partying would I? "

Draco : " I guess not.. you could come to my common room and sleep in my room.."

I looked at Draco, was he offering for me to sleep with him? Well it wouldn't be the first time. He did fall asleep with me in my room that one night.

Satori : " I'd love to Draco.."

Draco helped me up and I followed him to the dungeons. We went to the Slytherin Common Room and then entered Draco's room. It was amazing just like my own room.

I looked around.

Satori : " This place really screams Malfoy.."

Draco : " Heh, well duh.."

Draco and I both chuckled.

Draco : " Uh, your probably cold.. you can wear one of my shirts if you want? "

Satori : " That'd be lovely Draco.."

Draco handed me one of his shirts before leaving the room so I could change. I changed out of my wet clothes and put on Draco's shirt. It was very big on me.

It smelled just like him, I love his smell. I used a spell to dry my hair before telling Draco he can come back in.

Draco came in and stared at me like I was a snack.

Satori : " Draco! "

Draco : " Sorry! It's just you look adorable in my shirt! "

I laughed and ran to him, pulling him into a tight hug. Draco hugged me back and put his hand on my ass.

Satori : " Draco I swear, I will hex you.."

Draco : " I can't help myself.. your just so sexy~ "

I blushed and my eyes turned pink.

Satori : " Heh, well I'm glad you think so~ "

Draco's Pov

I looked at Satori hungrily, she looked so sexy.

Satori : " I'm glad you think so~ "

Her eyes were pink, this meant she was in love. Of course she was. It was obvious, she was in love with me. I pushed her to the bed and pinned her down.

Draco : " You don't mind do you?~ "

Satori : " I'm all yours~ "

With those words I placed my lips against hers and kissed her passionately. She wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed back.

I pulled away for some breath before kissing her again, entering my tongue into her mouth. I explored her mouth with my tounge.

I pulled away again and started to trace kisses down to her neck. Kissing her neck softly before biting and sucking at it gently.

She moaned my name which only made me want her more. I started leaving hickies on her neck as she started to grind against me.

I moaned softly, she smirked and continued to grind against me.

Satori's Pov

I kept grinding against Draco. I was in control just as much as he was and I wanted him to know that. I heard him moan softly as I continued.

He started to fondle with my breasts which caused me to moan. He wasn't going to let me take control. I knew that much.

I continued to moan as he was now sucking on my neck and playing with my breasts. It felt so good, I hope nobody ruins this moment.

Just then there was knocking at the door and Pansy yelling, this bitch I swear she ruins everything.

Draco groaned and went to the door, opening it slightly.

Draco : " What Pansy?! "

Pansy : " Can I come in? "

Draco : " No! "

He slammed the door in her face, I looked at Draco and giggled softly.

Satori : " She ruins everything doesn't she? "

Draco : " Yeah she does.. "

I yawned softly, as much as I wanted to continue this. I was exhausted, I defeated a dragon today.

Draco : " Get some rest my darling.."

Satori : " Goodnight Draco.."

Draco : " Goodnight Satori.."

Just like that I drifted off to sleep. Today's task was terrifying. I wonder what the next task will be. Guess I'll have to find out.

💀🖤🥀 Curses 💀🖤🥀 ( Draco x oc ) Where stories live. Discover now