High school sucks...

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It's been a hard year....I mean like you would think that people would like me since I'm always so nice to everyone and always willing to help out. But—

That's definitely not how it is. Instead they use me over and over and over again. Abuse me completely, knowing I'm not going to speak up.

I hate it. So, goddamn much. I fucking hate it.

It's barely my first year of high school and I'm already the "go to", when it comes to releasing so stress. I'm so not manly. I'm weak.

It hurts at first, but after a while the pain numbs and my mind shuts off.

It's Monday and I have PE before lunch. I hear my alarm going off like crazy. I try sitting up to turn it off, only to freeze in place due to the pain that shot up my back. Fuck. I sigh exaggeratedly and pushed myself out of bed. I shut off my alarm screaming it's head off on my nightstand.

I start doing my daily morning routine, heading straight to my closet. I grabbed my stupid uniform; white button up, beige blazer, dark green plaid slacks. I was only missing the stupid dark green tie. I remember throwing it into my closet last Friday out of frustration...

"Goddamnit. Where is it?! I'm gonna be late. Come on, come on. Stupid tie!"

Ah! Yes, there it is.

I saw it lying on the floor in the very back of the closet. I picked it up and grabbing the rest of my uniform, tossing it carelessly on my bed. I headed straight to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth, brushed down my flimsy black hair, and finished up my facial care routine.

I looked in the mirror for a split second. Telling myself that today was going to be a better day. An obvious lie. I sighed depressingly and walked back into my room. I quickly put on my uniform, grabbed my bag, and rushed down stairs. I checked the time on my phone and realized how I was going to be late. 7:50.

I ran out of the door not before grabbing a banana and a slice of half toasted bread.

Another Monday. Another day I wish I wasn't born. Can't wait.

I was trying my hardest to listen to the teacher lecturing, but seemed to find the boy in front of my more amusing. I started writing notes as fast as I can once I noticed the teacher glaring me down. My face turned bright red and heated up from embarrassment.


What the fu— Something hit me in the back of the head. Hurt like a bitch. I turned around slightly to see who it was. Only to get whacked in the face with a textbook.

"Shit! That hurt." I almost yelled, as I grabbed my nose, which was now bleeding.

I got up immediately and walked to the back of the class where the tissues were kept. I could feel the teacher's eyes burning holes in the back of my head. I swallowed hard as I tried to play it off. 

I eventually stopped the nosebleed, surprisingly without getting any blood on my uniform. What a relief.

I sat back down in my desk, pretending to write notes and continuing to stare longingly at the boy in front of me.

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