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of garments

Arabella spent the majority of the morning scanning the road in front of her house for the arrival of her best friend, who had travelled to Europe to explore the tastes of foreign men. Due to Sophia's wealth, her family had afforded to go on a holiday in the midst of the season.

Sophia had promised to share all of the most scandalous details and show of the garments she had acquired. After a couple more minutes, a white and blue carriage halted in front of Sophia's house, and Arabella raced down the stairs to find her mother about to ask her to greet Sophia calmly.

After her mother's approval, Arabella grasped her skirt and raced down the steps of her house as she crossed the road and ran into her best friends arms in the most unladylike like way possible.

"Oh Arabella, you must come with me at once," Sophia said, grabbing Arabella by one hand and a rather large bejeweled suitcase in the other.

They ran through the house and up to Sophia's bedroom, "You have to brace yourself for all that I have learned!"

Arabella sat eagerly on Sophia's bed as she watched the girl unpack her bag and pull out clothing by clothing.

"Isn't it beautiful?" Sophia questioned as she laid out a red velvet hand-sewn corset. The embroidery was magnificent. Arabella took in the corset in her hands and felt the fabric; it was smooth and silky.

"It's for you," Sophia said eagerly, looking at Arabella with a mischievous gaze.

"What on earth would I need this for?" Arabella asked, staring at the corset and then back at her best friend, who had recently learned all the trades of France: sexual and culinary.

"For when you acquire a man, of course,"

"A man?" Arabella pondered.

"Oh dear, the French were right. Our society has indeed failed to teach women their purpose and roles within a marriage," Sophia exclaimed, a hand on her forehead to symbolise unease and disappointment.

"Just tell me what you mean," Arabella asked.

"The corset, and everything in this bag, pertains to the art of seduction. When one acquires a man or a suitor, they must be dressed appropriately, as if to keep the man interested,".

"You are saying that if i- us women do not dress accordingly to this 'seduction' method, then men will not desire us?" Arabella asked incredulously.

"No. No, my dear. You mistake me," Sophia continued, "I simply mean that in France, some women choose to wear undergarments of various colours and patterns to appear more attractive during intercourse."

"Intercourse?" Arabella exclaimed quietly. "Do not speak of such things; it is not ladylike,"

"My God, Arabella, what has gotten into you? Ladylike, it is indeed ladylike, your mother's gotten in your head again,".

"How do you know so much about this?" Arabella questioned, edging closer to her best friend.

"I've laid with a man," Sophia said, quietly, "In France, they are so open about the ideals for both men and women, I chose to partake in certain advances, and now I understand everything."

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