"No problem," Louis said lightly, climbing up into the cab of the truck. He shot Harry a pointed glance as he adjusted the seat forward.

Harry just laughed, dimples breaking out on both of his cheeks. "Thanks," he whispered.

"Go," Louis said, fluttering his hand, waving him away. "Go, go -- do something fun." He almost added the words "with Niall," but at the last moment decided not to, purely because he didn't want to see Harry's dimples disappear. I am a pushover and a big softie, he thought to himself as he turned on the engine and put the truck into reverse.

Harry waved after him as he started down the long drive. Louis kept glancing in the rearview, hoping to see him walk over to where Niall was still leaning on the fence, watching the herd. But Harry just turned and went straight back to the house, disappearing inside as Louis passed under the Lonely Rose's wooden crossbeam. Louis sighed, wondering how long Harry and Niall could really stay mad at each other. The problem is, he thought, they both seem like people who like to stew a little. But it was no use mulling over the situation; it would just tempt him to stick his nose in, and he really wanted to avoid that.

The drive into Sheridan seemed short, but that was probably because the sky was a gorgeous lavender color, dotted with small, pink-tinged clouds that seemed particularly far away. Louis almost got lost in the scenery, the city lights rising out of the gently waving grasses like stars. He pulled into the Walmart parking lot and hopped out of the truck, humming lightly as he checked his phone. Harry had sent him the brand name of the heavy-duty disinfectant he needed and told him that they hid it way in the back, behind the automotive section. Toilet paper was apparently left to Louis's discretion.

Putting a lot of faith in me, Styles, he texted back. How do you know I won't buy you 1-ply?

Cause you don't want to damage the goods, Harry answered.

Louis scoffed, and a second later almost choked on his own tongue when a picture message came through. He started coughing, holding the phone protectively to his chest as he sprint-walked to a less crowded section of the store. Harry had managed to take a very artistic selfie of one of his own pointer fingers, shiny with lube, teasing around his pink rim. His upper thighs were on full display, and Louis could see light glinting off water, the side of the bathtub. He had to breathe deeply.

HELLO PEACHES!! he typed hurriedly, face heating up with excited embarrassment and shoulders hunched as he wove aimlessly around clothing racks with his head down. He was just about to add a few hearts when he bumped into somebody in a narrow aisle.

"Oh, sorry!" he said. He bobbled his phone for one breathless moment before he managed to lock the screen and shove it deep into his jeans pocket. "I wasn't --" Louis cut himself off when he saw who he'd collided with.

"Maggie?" he breathed, after a moment of awkward silence. She was standing stock still, startled, and not quite meeting his eye. There was a look of strained nervousness on her face, like she was the one who'd been caught doing something illicit.

"Um..." she grinned weakly.

Louis blinked. "Why are you in the..." His eyes widened as he took in his surroundings. He'd started walking toward Automotive, but had gotten turned around and was now halfway across the store. Instead of duct tape, rubber mats and motor oil, he was surrounded by soft pastels.

"The baby section?" Maggie supplied, wryly. She was holding a pair of tiny blue booties in one hand, the other having come to rest lightly on her stomach.

Louis gasped, covering his mouth before dropping his fingers to the center of his chest. "Oh my god!" He looked her up and down, plucking at his shirt as he felt his eyes going even wider. "Are you...?"

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