3- Man Tries to Stab Woman With a Knife

Start from the beginning

"Oh, you want to hear what that Jotaro guy has to say?" Josuke asked.

"It's been bugging me, and it has to do with this town." Koichi admitted.

"You're amazing, I'm gonna pass." Josuke said.

"Wait you are? Why?" You asked your brother with a tilt of your head.

"I'm sort of curious, but when I thought it through, I don't think getting involved with being someone's lovechild is a good idea. that goes for you too Y/N." You pouted at what he added on.

"Why?" Koichi asked.

"Well, I mean... Things are just fine as they are right now." Josuke answered.

You kept silent, scowling at the ground. No matter how much Josuke's argument  made sense, you would at least like to know a little bit more about your father.

"I see..." Koichi said.

You all turned your heads to the sound of police sirens, you watched as police cars raced down the street.

"I wonder where they're going..." You muttered to yourself.

"Maybe an accident or something?" Josuke answered you even though you were talking to yourself.

"Wanna go after it?" You proposed with a devious smirk.

"Yeah." the two of them answered. The three of you ran after the police cars in hopes of finding where they were going.


The three of you approached a local convenient store where a crowd was gathered. Police officers were keeping people back away from the scene.

"Walk about a huge commotion." Koichi exclaimed.

"A man robbing that convenient store took a woman hostage inside." An old lady to your right filled you in with a laugh, leaving the three of you to gasp in shock.

"Look there he is!" Someone in the crowd said.

You all snapped your heads to the man in a white suit, holding a woman at knife-point, step out of the automatic sliding doors.

"Don't move! Drop the knife!" One of the officers shouted.

The man chuckled menacingly as he held the knife closer to the woman's throat, causing her to squeal.

"Let her go-" the officer was cut off by the man.

"Shut up! get back!" The man demanded.

"Th-That lady has rung me up before!" Koichi pointed to the clerk being held hostage.

"His eyes are totally messed up..." Josuke started.

"He'll totally kill her if he loses it." You finished.

"It's kinda creepy when you two do that." Koichi pointed out.

"Silence tiny man." Koichi looked up at you, mildly offended.

"All of you get outta the way, I'm getting in that car!" The man demanded, pointing in your direction.

"This isn't good Josuke, Y/N! Get back! Back!" Koichi panicked, Trying to walk back while pushing you and Josuke back too.

"R-Right..." Josuke said, not really phased.

"Hey you! Slut and the guy with the stupid hair!" The man yelled.

You whipped your head around to face the man with a pissed off expression on your face.

"I told you two to get away from the car!" the man swung the knife, "I'll kill you!"

"You take care of the guy, I'll help the lady?" You asked in an unusually serious tone, Josuke growled in response.

You and your brother started approaching the man with the knife, you could vaguely hear Koichi yelling in the background, but you really didn't care.

You stood next you your brother with your hands in your jacket pockets.

"What did you just say?" Your brother asked angrily. 

"W-Who the hell are you two? get away from me!" The man demanded, holding the knife to the woman's neck casing her to yell again, "You don't care what happens to her?!"

You didn't care to pay attention to what the police officers were saying, you just kept your glare on the man.

"I told you guys to stay back too!" The man pointed his knife at the police officers behind you, "D-Damn it! You're pissing me off! I've made up my mind, I'm gonna stab this girl!"

The man raised the knife above his head, swinging to stab her, but before he could, Josuke used his stand to punch a hole straight through both of them. Of course he healed it instantly, but now the knife was stuck inside the man. 

You caught the woman as she fell, a purple hand with a blue finger-less glove came out of yours, touching the woman's face gently. The woman calmed down, and her tears stopped.

The woman snapped out of her daze and looked at her torso.

"Huh? I'm fine?" She said bewildered.

"Yup! You're all safe no Ma'am!" You smiled gently at her, hoping to ease her mind off of the very distressing situation she was just in.

You had somehow once again missed an entire conversation, only catching the water stand you saw in the spirit photos crawl into the storm drain.

You watched as officers tackled your brother, while a few came up to you and started scolding you.

What a bizarre day it had been...



Hnnn I know I said I was gonna update Love You Lots but I really haven't had the motivation, I'm really sorry. 

Anyways, I hope you've enjoyed this chapter!

Stay tuned and I'll see you next Saturday!

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