Sleeping Habits

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Watch out, big guy is cuddly and won't let go until he's good and ready. He sleeps frightfully heavy for someone who has been raised up as a warrior, meaning not even you shaking him will rouse him from his slumber. Oh, he also hoards furs so if you're out in the wilderness in the rigid weather, you may as well indulge his need for cuddling. He sleeps for a long time too..


Unlike his twin, he's an extremely light sleeper. Just the movement of your legs can wake him up. He doesn't get agitated though, instead he just acknowledges it as a superior survival instinct. He's does get grumpy when he's tired though.


She loves being able to put her head to your chest when the two of you settle in for the night. The rhythmic sound of your heart pumping lulls her to a dreamless sleep without fail. This means that no matter what, she requires being closer to you. Oh, also she snores.


Falls asleep the easiest when you mess with his hair. Is occasionally plagued with nightmares of his time in Apocrypha, which makes for an unpleasant night for the both of you. However, usually the priest sleeps remarkably peaceful. He doesn't hardly move and naturally radiates hear, making him the ideal bed mate for the times you're subjected to taking shelter outdoors.

Neloth:, decently. Often times he doesn't find the time for rest unless it's of the utmost importance. Even if that's the case, he usually has to cast a mild temporary slumber spell on himself for him to calm down enough to sleep. He's pretty stiff when he's creepy.


Sleeps sprawled out like a starfish and talks, even in his sleep, he talks. It's enough to drive anyone crazy.


Also talks in his sleep, however he also fights himself in his dreams too. Word to the wise, try to stay as far away as the bed will allow.

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