An Odd Guy

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         Your eyes ease open and you stretch as a yawn escapes you. A shift beside you makes you freeze and look over to find that Julius had joined you on the roof in the middle of the night, and he seems to have brought one of your blankets to share.

          "... Julius… You had a bed." You sigh rubbing your eyes. He hums in response. "Why are you up here?"

          "Why are you up before the sun?" He retorts with a grumble, rolling over to put a hand over your face. "Go back to sleep." You blink a few times through the gaps in his fingers. A bubbly feeling rises to your chest but you snuff it out with a small huff. 

         'This guy…' You think, carefully picking up his hand from your face before sitting up. You peer at him before standing and bundling him up in the blanket, ignoring his groggy protest as you pick him up and hop off the roof. You take him inside, passing your foster father along the way to your room to drop off Julius on your bed before going back out to where your father readied breakfast.

         "Were… You two sleeping on the roof?" He inquires, tilting his head slightly.

         "I was there first. When I woke up he was there… I don't understand. He was in my bed at the beginning." You shake your head with a slight sigh, making him chuckle before passing you a bowl. 

         "Alright. Let's get the day started." He rumbles. You both eat before starting work on the fields. At some point Julius emerges from the house, watching curiously before attempting to help. 

         Julius was a bit clumsy at first and you had to correct him a few times but he quickly understood. 

         "Heh. This is kinda nice." He hums. 

         "This is your first time away from the noble realm?" Evan inquires.

         "Yes. I never camped before either until we were on our way here." Julius smiles.

         "So that's why you took so much time." Evan peers at you.

         "He isn't used to traveling on foot." You shrug, glancing at the sun as it finally peeks over the horizon. 

         "Well it's good you're back. Gavin was starting to worry." He breathes.

         "Your friend?" Julius guesses.

         "He calls me his best friend and rival." You nod, starting to finish up. 

         "___!!!” A distant call sounds and you look over your shoulder as the raven haired guy appears down the street, racing toward you. 

        "There he is." You straighten up and turn to him. He soon crashes into you with tearful eyes.

        "Yer finally back! I missed ya! Why did you take so long!?" He complains.

        "It was only five days." You blink.

        "It should have only taken you four!" He argues. "And that still felt like forever!"

        "Maybe you should have come then." You state.

        "Eh… I told you why I couldn't. So what did you…." He trails off as he finally notices Julius, blinking at him.

        "What's up?" Julius waves. 

        "Um… Who are you?" Gavin asks.

        "I'm Julius Novachrono. I met ___ back in the noble realm and I'm staying here until the grimoire ceremony." Julius points to himself. Gavin looks him over before his jaw drops and he looks at you in shock.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2021 ⏰

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