3. The unfriendly giant

Start from the beginning

Without warning, you stood from your chair and rushed outside. "Hey! [Name] you forgot to pay the bill!" Saitama yelled after you, groaning to himself before leaving the money on the table, along with the half-finished banana split.

Yup, just as bad as you thought. Minus the collapsing buildings. The ground beneath you quivered every now and then, and they seemed to be getting closer with every vibration. "Hey! What are you two doing here, standing around!?" A man asked you and Saitama, who were busy examining the direction in which you heard the stomps come from. "There's a giant monster down that way, headed towards the city!" He said before scampering off.

"Giant monster, huh?" Saitama murmured blankly, hands crossed against his chest. "Alright." His knees buckled and he crouched down. "[Name], you get everyone to safety please. Make sure none of them gets hurt." He said. "Wait huh? What are you abo-" Before you could finish, Saitama leaped into the air, a large crater left where he once stood. The blow of the wind he caused sent your locks of hair waving from side to side as your face held all sorts of shock.

Which then contorted to annoyance.

"OI! HOW DARE YOU LEAVE ME TO PROTECT EVERYONE!" An irk mark popped on your forehead, before you sighed and followed his instructions. After all, he was the one who could end the fight in one hit. You headed back into the bakery to spread the news. "Everyone, I need you all to..." Words failed to come out as comprehensive. "Head outside and flee city B immediately! A demon leveled disaster is headed this way!" You opened the door and urged them out. "Come on, get moving everyone!" As they flooded out, the waiter from before came to approach you.

"Are... Are you a hero?" He asked. Someone as bewitching a beauty and courageous as you surely had to be in the hero business to be giving out orders in such an elegant fashion.

"Nah, not really. The real hero's out there probably kicking the villains ass right about now." You grinned like an idiot.


After you've successfull evacuated City B of all residents and made sure they escaped to the next city, you soon stood on a building flatop. In a far away open plains was a man about thrice as tall as the tower you examined him from. Bare nude. "Oh God he's naked." You bemused with a deadpan, pushing your hand to cover your vision of his crown jewels.

You then saw him slap his left shoulder blade and look at it in shock, before yelling out "BIG BROTHER!" that could be heard for miles. "I JUST WANTED TO BE THE STRONGEST MAN ALIVE!" 'Careful what you wish for...' You and Saitama thought.

"I DONT KNOW WHO YOU ARE, BUT MY BIG BROTHER'S DEAD BECAUSE OF YOU!" The giant grabbed Saitama and threw him like a baseball downwards into a building below.

"Oh boy." You sighed in dismay. Things weren't looking too hot. The giant then proceeded to jump into the air and stomped Saitama further into the ground, then throwing a barrage of punches. You jumped from building to building, which was still suspended in mid-air. "Hey!" You raised your voice high enough for him to hear. After watching his attention shift to you and from Saitama, who you hoped wasn't pounded to a pulp. "That's my friend you're killing over there. If you could stop, that'd be nice-" He cut you off by his hand swatting the air, where you dodged and was soon on his shoulder. "Sir we were eating dessert together. At that bakery down there." He took a slap at where you sat at, which proved fruitless due to you being on his head the moment he lifted his hand.

"Have some sort of humility please."

"Humility? That along with every other emotion of mines has been flushed down the drain! Being the strongest means you lose all sense of love for things you once had!" He yelled, lifting both of his hands to grab you. "Hmm... You really sound like my friend now." You noticed said friend jumping out of the hole he was embedded in, lifting his fist high into the air.

"Yeah, being the strongest..." Saitama murmured as he threw a punch so hard it sent the giant tumbling to the left, thrown off balance. "Is pretty boring."

"There you are!" You jumped off of the falling opponent and into Saitama's direction, who caught you with a bit of surprise. "[Name], what are you doing here?"

"Well I may or may have not gotten a bit worried after seeing you get almost massacred." You admitted sheepishly. "I'm pretty sure that's impossible for me." He replied before staring at the damage he had caused to City B. "Oops..." You both said in unison.

"I guess no more dates at that new bakery anymore."


After that whole incident, you and Saitama decided to part ways for a little while. You, for the sake of ensuring that there were no casualties in City B, and him because he has realized he didn't get anything for dinner.

'There's no signs of the evils of the world disappearing... None of this has changed since I became a hero...' In other words, one would say he didn't make a very powerful impact. Not that he was sad with it, however. But the one thing he has actually noticed, was how very distant his emotions were becoming to him. He felt none of them as much as he used to. He figured that in exchange for the power he got, an essential part of a human was taken.

And yet,

"Then maybe you need something sweet to fill that void of yours!"

Maybe not every emotion from his body had disappeared.

"Oh, Saitama?" The melodic voice bonding to none other than you spoke, tearing said mans attention from off of the stray cat he was playing with. "[Name]? Why are you still here?"

"I was still looking for survivors. You?"

"Was looking for dinner."

"Oh." You said, wearing a blank-eyed stare at the ground for a minute before screaming out. "SHIT! I FORGOT TO ORDER DINNER!"

"Calm down." Saitama said. "It's not that big of a deal. If you don't have anything to eat, you can just eat dinner with me." He offered. "Really!?" A nod came in response. "Sure, if you want." Your eyes glimmered with a childish innocence. "Cool! I haven't really ate since this morning-"

A loud cat hiss echoed through the empty streets as the feline that once played with Saitama now dashed across the street in a panic. Car wheels and scrap metal was sent flying from the direction the cat ram from. You and Saitama looked to stare some car-human hybrid that was scavagening through a yellow wasted car. "Vroom vroom?" He laughed, turning around to see you both. "No sense of hiding if you already saw me!" It stomped on front of you. "Im Super Custom YO649Z Mk. II!"

"He literally just gave us his license number and how much he cost..." You deadpanned while Saitama looked through his bag to make sure nothing flew into it. "I love buying cars so much, I decked myself out! I'm a custom car monster!" You zoned out for a minute, not tolerating any more villainous dialogue. "Saitama..." You nudged the baldy, who was one step ahead of you and sent a fist flying in the face of Super Custom YO649Z Mk. II

"There we go. Now, shall we get going?"

"Sure. But all I'm making is fried eggs over rice for the night since I forgot to get everything else."

"Honestly, anything is good to me. I don't have a kitchen in my room, so I always eat take out."

"You don't have a kitchen? Is that even legal?" Saitama asked with surprise.

You shrugged. "Probably not. But it's the only way I keep my rent low, so I'm nobody to complain." The two of you walked down the street. "By the way, Sai, thanks for paying the bill for me at the bakery. I'll make it up to you someday."

How you knew he paid the bill, you had no idea. But hey, the stupid grin on your face made the money worth it. "You don't have to."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2021 ⏰

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