two// old

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Three days before inaugoration day, I might miss this place. Who wouldn't? A huge grand white house, endless games of bowling and dance battles with Father. He isn't as bad as he is published on the media, he cares a lot about his family and friends but at least we are goping to Florida soon.


"Aurie!! Bare!!" Mother lightly called from the front garden in a gorgeous light yellow dress, father was wearing a suit with a light yellow tie. "Yes mother?" Barron and I said in unsion.

We stood in the big door way of the capitol, me in a short lavender dress and barrons tie being mint green. "Ah, there you guys are! Mr. Biden is here with his children and grandchildren for a tour of the house."

We looked over at father and our silings, easily noticing the tension in the air. It was like an eye war. "Oh, thats great." Barron said for the both of us and we walked over to the rest right behind mother. Everyones eyes went on the two of us as if we were a life saver.

"Hello, I'm Aurelia Rown-Trump" I said, taking my place between Barron and mother. The Bidens introduced themselves as well, they already knew everyone in my family. "Well, Donald and I will show Jill and Joe around. Donald Jr and Eric will show Hunter and Howard around. Ivanka and Tiffany will show Ashley Naomi and Hallie around." Mother announced.

"Barron and Aurelia will show around Hunter, Natalie and Maisy as well" Father added and everyone split paths leaving Barron and I alone with the two Bidens. "Do you guys want to start anywhere specific?" Barron asks, eyeing Natalie down. Natalie eyed him down as well, and as if on point they blushed on eye contact. Hunter and I both seemed to notice and smirked. "Well how about Barron shows Natalie around and I show Hunter around?" I suggested to no one in particular. They all nodded and Barron led Natalie towards the West-Wing, I guess i'll show Hunter the East-Wing first.

"The east wing is mostly bedrooms, bathrooms, saunas, game rooms, the gym, the pool and the movie room." I explained to Hunter as we entered the East wing. "The first floor includes the suana, pool, game rooms, and gym." I said as we passed the various rooms. We walked up a case of stairs and walked down the hallway and I waited for him as he looked around the empty bedrooms and the movie room. "This is all of the East-Wing" I said as we made our way back to the center of the building.

I led him to the back of the center and we entered the garden mother decorated with beatiful roses. This is the garden, down that path is the backyard which wraps around to the front." I explained pointing to the path. We then made our to the West-Wing. "You may be on this side of the building for most of your time, it's mainly offices and ballrooms along with dining rooms, the kitchen and the living room." I explained as we entered the West-Wing. The first floor is the living room, kitchen and dining room." I said as we walked by and up the stairs. "The second is the offices and ballrooms." I said and he just nodded.

We walked back to the center but were stopped halfway to see Barron and Natalie getting into it. "Oh dear lord." I mumbled and pulled Hunter behind a pillar when they looked our direction. I then led him outside and in through the back door leading us to the center again. He was laughing histerically while I tried to get him to shut up. "Hunter, shut up, Hunter seriously!" I groaned. "Hunter, the adults are coming in again straighten up." I said and he stopped laughing but grunted when he realized they weren't coming in.

Natalie and Barron then came out from the West-Wing entrance and I couldn't help myself, neither could Hunter. We started laughing to the point we were on the ground and tears running down our faces. We stopped and stood up seconds before the adults all came in again. "The Bidens are staying for dinner!" Father exclaimed then walked off laughing with Joe, mother walked off with Jill towards the sun room. Ivanka, Tiffany, Ashley, Naomi and Hallie walked lff to the garden while Hunter, Eric and Donald Jr dranl alchohol in the living room. Natalie and Barron ran off, probably to his room.

"Wanna play Wii?" I asked HUnter and he nodded.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2021 ⏰

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