💝daddy dearest x fem!reader

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[This one was requested by: MiChyaDurrDulin I hope you enjoy!
You saw dearest (I'm just going call him that cuz yes) outside at his house looking upset about something, you were concern for your friend and walk to him to see what's up. "Hey..." You said to him "he looked up at you "long time no see...." he replied back to you he was really sad about something, so you tried to comfort him "what's wrong..? sorry for asking.." he look's at you for a second "my wife left me......." you were surprised from what he said. Thay ware really happy together or what it would seem "oh my god...dearest I'm sorry..." "it's fine..." he replied try to play it cool. "I can relate....my hudson left me as well...." you try to relate with him, he was shocked as well then he hugged you you blush a bit from this, "I'm so sorry that happened [Y/N]....." he felt really bad for you "at least we have enough other..and our kids..." you tired to make him feel he  better while hugging him back. He blushed at this but you couldn't see it the hug went on for 3 minutes at the most, the hug broke he was really red you were blushing a bit as well but not as much as dearest is. "....hey [Y/N].... I need to tell you something.." the silence finally broke "yeah...?" You reply back, "...I have a major crush on you, even since the first day I saw you at elementary school...I really loved you but I didn't have the courage to tell you in time..but here we are..we still have each other right..?" He  confess to you.
You were bright red from this and surprise yet again you stood there for a few seconds, "[Y/N]...?" He was really concern, you the give him the biggest hug you ever give to someone then said "I love you to dearest!"you kissed his cheek he blushed form this again. " I love you to.." he replied then you both looked at each other eyes for a bit then kissed it last for a minute, when it broke you two just hold hands while smiling for the rest of the night.
The end

◇.Friday night funkin x readers.♡~[  REQUEST ARE CLOOD.]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora