1. bitch, please... i'm a slytherin

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Her eyes were fixated on the gates.

Those metal gates accompanied by stone-constructed fences that accented them.

She stopped in her tracks, suitcase no longer wheeling its way across the gravel. "Well... here we go..." She muttered as she continued her path up to the classically built structure in front on her.

Students bumped into the mahogany-haired girl, as they paced to unite with childhood friends or to unpack in their dorms as soon as possible. Averie wanted to do the other, unsaid option- find a place to read. But that seemed impossible as she had to practically drag her wheeled bag across the grass.

Her attention focused on her luggage, she neglected the presence of the boy in front of her. However, Averie noticed his presence once her body was falling- landing onto a breathing, groaning surface. "Ow..." The masculine voice sounded, the girl's body levitating off of his as soon as she heard the noise.

"Oh my god! Are you okay?" She spouted out as a reflex. Her honey-chromed orbs trained on his azure ones. She found it hard not to feel slightly embarrassed at her clumsiness.

The boy on the floor sat up, his hand raking through his blonde locks- ridding it from the stands of grass spattered through them. "Do you always face backwards when you walk?" He laughed slightly.

Averie's denim-sheathed shoulders gave him a shrug, a smile laced her face. "Occupational hazard." Her hand stretched out, directed towards him. He touched her hand, feeling the electrical charge in her palms. It didn't prevent him from holding her hand and yanking his way back onto his feet.

"Aren't air fairies supposed to stay on their feet?" The boy's voice chattered, his hands swiping off the dirt from his trousers.

Her arms crossed. "Huh. I could say the same about specialists." She retorted, picking up her large bag out of the verdant terrain; propping it upstraight- handle in her palm. The male tried to aid her in her endeavour. "I've got it, blondie."

She was again, upright in her position, facing the boy. "My name isn't 'blondie'," his smile held no hard feelings on the matter, "it's Sky." He hands placed in the pockets of his blue denim jeans.

Averie gave the boy a smile. "Well... Sky... sorry for bumping into you." She tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear, regetting it as soon as she carried out the action. Embarrassment, yet again swept through her cells.

Energy surged through her fingertips, conducting a tingle of electrical charge. Shocking her skin in one sudden action. Averie's voice yelped as she surged herself with self-created magic. "Still learning to control that?" Sky light-heartedly questioned.

"What gave it away?" Her sarcasm earned a snicker from the boy in front of her.

"I don't know your name." Averie's lips curved into a smirk.

She shuffled slightly. "That's because I never gave it." The smirk remained. "It's Averie. Averie Alexander."

"Nice to meet you, Averie-" He spoke, cut off by the voice of another.

"Quit pervin' on the first years..." The fairy turned her head, only to see a dark-haired male who seemed to be well acquainted with Sky.

She scoffed. "I don't think he's the one perving." Averie's voice unimpressed, shocking the unknown boy, yet causing the male behind her to guffaw suddenly. Earning a glare from his friend.

"Well... who is this...?" The stranger's tone was a mixture full of: anticipation, annoyance and flirtation.

"Riven, this is Averie. Averie this is-"

aerial magic | SKY | fate: winx sagaWhere stories live. Discover now