Chapter 3

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Bella and I got in to the ugly truck to go to our first day of school. When we pulled up to the school, a kid that was parked in front of us surrounded by a crowd of students, looked up at us and said "nice ride" before I could say something back Bella being the shy girl she is wispered back a thanks.

I linked arms and said You know you could find a boyfriend and maybe a few friends that are like you. Oh yeah right about the boyfriend but the friends maybe I mean its possible. I have a feeling we're in for a big ride. Well I hope this feeling is wrong I scoffed out loud when is my feeling ever wrong ummm oh when you said mom would cook bacon and pancakes but she didn't oh that wasn't a feeling I just said that so mom did cook it bit apparently I didn't say it loud enough.

We were interrupted when an asian kid came out of no where and started talking to us. "Your the new girls Isabella and Aprilina Swan. Hi. I'm Eric the eyes and ears of this place. Anything you need tour guide, lunch date, shoulder to cry on. " "just Bella" "and just April" " Well guess what your news. Front page baby." "I-i  n-n-n-o" "What my sister means to say is no we are not" "Chillax no feature." Bella visabley relaxed.

Then he walked off "so much for tour guide." I scoffed. See you later sis bye. I went to algerbra like what kind of person in their right mind would make a teenager go to math in the morning. Only bright side to her class, she was always 40 minutes late to class. At least thats what some kid told me. After 40 minutes I heard Mrs. Hooker coming down the hall "EVERYBODY SHES COMING!" everybody stopped talking and grabbed their math books. When the teacher came in, everybody was settled. Mrs. Hooker started class immediately started class longest 20 minutes of my life. On my way too 3rd period I bumped into Bella and we walked the rest of the way to P.E together.

When it came too P.E Bella was a drama queen and thats coming me the drama queen herself! Bells moaned and pleaded to be sat out of this period. When that didn't work she started saying she felt sick and needed to be brought to the nurse. Lets just say Coach didn't fall for it.

After saving anyone from Bella, I couldn't save the last one in time and she hit some guy in the head. She rushed over to him with me behind her sputtering apologys. I was almost there when a short brunette made it before I did. "Your Isabella right?" Sure just completly ingore me right. "Just Bella" She replied "I'm Mike. Mike Newton." The short brunette finally speaks up after pushing herself between Mike and us "She has a great spike, doesn't she?" She looked at Bella now. "Your from Arizona right? Aren't you supposed to be like really tan?" She said. "Yeah I guess thats why they kicked me out and wherever I go this dumbass follows."

Mike starts laughing and because he does the short brunette does too. Hey bells whats the brunette called witch with a b no her names Jessica and don't act mean to them. Then the bell rings signaling time for lunch. I run for the door behind me I hear Bella laughing she knows what happens when I see food. After getting my lunch I wait for Bella by the door. After what feels like hours Bella finally walks though the door. "You slowass I almost ate without you" after Bella is having her heart attack she turns around and walks towards Jessica and Mike.

"Mikey you met my homegirls Bella and April" Eric called. I scoffed like I would date this moron "o-o-h your your home girls huh?" A new guy walked up to us "my girls" he said before he kissed our cheeks and ran off with Mikes chair in hand.

"Smile" Bella was surprised by the flash but I did as I was told out of habbit. No not the picture thing you'll be lucky if you find one of me in the house. The listen to what your told thing.

"Sorry I needed a candid for the feature." "The features dead Angela dont bring it up again don't worry I got your backs babies" "Wow its like first grade all over again you're the shiny new toy" Bitchica said after Eric left. "Guess we'll do another editorial on teen drinking." Angela said obviously disappointed. Bella spoke up "you could always do eating disorders." I spoke up "or Speedo padding on the swim team." Angela stared at me for a moment in awe. Because of my voice or speaking to her for the first time I don't know though it was probably my voice. Then spoke up "actually thats a good one" "isn't it" "yeah!"

As if I felt her attention change, I looked at Bells. "Who are they?" She asked as the Cafeteria door opened.

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