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The calm breeze blowing into a H/C teen's face, as he lay down enjoying the peaceful moment. The peaceful moment soon disturbed.

"Y/N. Get up, we got a mission to do." Says a feminine voice

The boy named Y/N opened his eyes to find a girl with pale blue hair staring down at him. He stood up, and got a full view of the person.

She had her hair in a ponytail, and wore a black long sleeved shirt with a light colored tie, black pants and shoes.

She smiled at Y/N and asked "You ready?"

Y/N stares at the girl and nods "Yeah" He then started walking "Let's go Mei Mei."

The girl known as Mei Mei nods and led the way.

A few hours of walking they made it towards a recently abandoned village. This village was part of another village, but it was a small part of it. The mission they received was to investigate and eliminate any curse activity in the village. 

Mei Mei told Y/N the situation. During the weekend people suddenly started to disappear in the village. The inhabitants soon became scared as more and more people disappear. That is until one night, one of the villagers saw a figure. Not human. Then warned the others about it. The report came in and that's where Mei Mei and Y/N come in, to exterminate the curse.

They walked in the village, no one to be seen as they left. Y/N looked around, and it was clear that it was abandoned pretty recently. Y/N then told his partner he'll go check around the area, and she nodded in agreement.

Y/N walked out of the village, straying farther into the forest hoping to find some clues, as not much was given to go on. He then soon stumbled upon multiple footprints leading even farther into the forest. With this new found clue, he then went back to get Mei Mei.

He told Mei Mei about the tracks he found and soon led her to them. They inspected it closely and noticed one of the footprints were not a human, but that of a curse. They followed the footprints leading them into the deeper part of the forest.

They walked for about an hour and soon made it to a stop. The footprints stopped into what appears to be a cave. 

Y/N crouches and inspects the footprints. "Seems like they end here." He says confirming their suspicions. "Shall we head inside?" He asks, Mei Mei nods in agreement, and the both of them went in.

As they went in, they expected the cave to be filled with darkness but to their surprise the cave was filled with lit torches. As they explored even further the cave appeared to be an abandoned mine. Carts filled with rusty pickaxes, and ore scattered around.

They continued walking through the cave, only to meet a dead end.

"Seems like this is it." Mei Mei says sounding disappointed as she stares at the dead end.

Y/N walks around, touching the rough walls. As he kept going he noticed something. "Hey, over here." He calls out to his partner. She came to where Y/N was. Y/N stared at the wall , then kicked it. The wall crumbling as pieces of rocks scatter.

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