Does it hurt? Phan #2

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This ones a bit longer (hopefully) :3 okay, so I know I suck at writing. But yeah. Enjoy :P


Dan woke up to Phil choking and spluttering everywhere, he yelped and sat the boy upright, patting his back lightly.

"Shit are you okay?" Dan squealed, his eyes wide and terrified.

Phil nodded, putting his hand over his mouth. Dan stopped his movements and stared at Phil's arm. His sleeve had rolled up. Revealing cuts.

"I'm okay." Phil whimpered, squinting and rubbing his head as it throbbed with pain.

"No your not." Dan croaked, taking Phil's wrist carefully and rolling his sleeve all the way up. He stared at the gashes. They were deep. Deep enough to kill. Some of them were still bleeding.

"Get off." Phil screamed, retracting his hand and jumping up off of Dan.

Dan just stared.

Phil started to breath heavy, tears growing in his eyes. He whimpered and ran out the bathroom, clutching his arm and holding it against his chest.

A lonely tear fell down Dan's cheek. He thought it was his fault Phil had done all this. Dan pulled his legs into his chest and wrapped his arms around them. He buried his head in them and started to sob quietly.

Phil slammed his bedroom door shut and fell onto his bed, bursting into tears. He screamed into his pillow and hit the bed, throwing lion across the room, hitting the radiator and falling to the floor effortlessly.

Dan continued to sob, tugging at his hair in frustration. He kicked his legs out and cursed under his breath, hitting the floor with his fist.

Phil sat up, still crying his eyes out. He looked at his arm and cried harder, screaming out Dan's name in the process.

Dan sat bolt up right, tears still falling freely from his eyes. He got up and ran to Phil's room, stopping in the door way.

"Help me." Phil cried, curling up into a ball. He needed someone to stop him. Someone to tell him it would all be okay.

Dan sighed and walked over to Phil, climbing onto the bed and hugging him tight.

Phil stopped crying as he felt Dan wrap himself around him. He sighed and relaxed into the hug.

"I can't help if you won't tell me why you did it." Dan whispered calmly, moving his hand up to stroke Phil's hair.

Phil sighed again and sniffed, coughing to clear his throat.

"I'm sick of myself Dan." He whimpered, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath.

Dan frowned, confused as to why.

"Why are you sick of yourself?" He asked quietly, continuing to stroke Phil's hair.

"Everyone prefers you to me. They only watch me when your in it. I'm hated Dan." Phil whimpered, opening his eyes and looking at lion who was still laying under the radiator.

Dan sighed and sat Phil up, looking him in the eyes.

"You're perfect okay? You're amazing, you're funny, you're cute. They love you." He whispered, staring into Phil's sea-blue eyes.

Phil giggled and bit his lip, letting a small smile emerge in his face.

"Okay." He whispered, staring back in Dan's deep brown eyes. The both of them sat there for what seemed ages, Dan cupping Phil's cheeks. They stared into each others eyes lovingly, not really realising they were just friends and flat mates.


Wow this sucks, sorry bout that. Yeah I know what I'm doing in the next chapter part thing. Down worry :3

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