Ashlynn Ella and Hunter Huntsman

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V: Hey guys!

A: Hi! It's fableous to be here!

H: Hi.

V: So Ashlynn, do you like your destiny as the next Cinderella?

A: Of course! I am a Royal after all, but I wish that my destiny had Hunter in it.

V: Hunter, do you like your destiny?

H: Yes and no. I'm great at saving damsels in distress while an invisible fanfare plays, but Ashlynn is not of the damsels I save.

V: What's your favorite thing about Ever After High?

A: Well, I must say that I think Briar's hexellent parties are a real page-ripper!

H: I like hanging out with the guys. Between us though, I'd say that Sparrow gets annoying at times. Many times...

V: What person bugs you the most?

A&H: Duchess Swan.

V: *chuckles* I'm not even going to ask why, but I am going to ask, what about Faybelle Thorn?

A: Even though Faybelle's evil, she doesn't bother us.

H: What Ash said. I'd like to wring that Swan's neck sometimes!

A: Hunter!

H: Sorry Ash, but Duchess really gets on my nerves.

V: Okay... moving on. What do you guys feel about the whole Royal and Rebel situation?

A: Even though I do feel sympathy for Raven, I think she should sign. Many stories are hanging by a thread because of what she did.

H: I think Raven was right in not signing. Everyone should be able to live their own life if they want, not their parents.

V: So then, do you guys like Apple White?

A: Of course! She's one of my BFFA's! She's so kind and gentle.

H: Who wouldn't like her? She gets a little annoying though occasionally.

V: Who's your all time favorite person at EAH?

A: Hunter.

H: Ashlynn.

A&H: Each other.

V: Well that's all the time we have for today. Thank you both for coming to MirrorCast Chats. I hope to see you both here again soon!

A: No problem.

H: Yep.

V: Bye everyone!

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