charlie st. george and alex standall (13 reasons why)

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charlie was starting to loose consciousness, but the officer was still hitting him. hard. he eventually slipped into darkness. the final thing he heard was justin foley yelling out to him.

"charlie, oh god, charlie!"


alex on the other hand, had been with zach dempsey inside the school building, making a mess and breaking things in the offices, unaware of what was going on outside. they heard yelling and clamoring outside and turned towards the sound. 

"what the hell is going on out there?" alex tried to look out the window. zach shrugged and went back to ripping up his file from dean foundry's desk. he evidently didn't care about the riot. 

the riot wouldn't have mattered to alex, but he remembered that charlie was probably out there.

"charlie." he muttered. he turned to zach and spoke, "zach, i have to go."

zack stopped for a moment. "and get caught? not a chance."

"charlie is out there, and so are all of our friends. jess, justin, clay, ani, tony, tyler... all of them. we have to help!"


"you don't have to come, but i'm going." he turned to leave, and zach called out after him. alex ignored him and ran out. 

he made it to the front of the school and out the door. he gasped, seeing the riot in full swing. he saw justin and diego fighting an officer, jess and ani crawling away from the crowd, clay getting dragged across the concrete. 

"charlie?" alex called out. it was hard to see or hear anything as he pushed through people to try and find his boyfriend. "charlie?"

he kept pushing his way through. "char-" he stopped when he saw a boy laying still in a pool of blood. his mind reeled when he realized who it was.

"charlie!" he ran towards the football player and kneeled by his side. he was bruised up and bleeding from multiple scars on his face and arms. there was blood on his brown sweater from his right hand, which had a few fingers bent at an unnatural angle and was pouring out blood. 

"charlie, wake up." alex begged to charlie's unconscious body. "charlie, please." 

alex looked up and around for help, then noticed a fire in a car. 

"fire, fire! get down!" he yelled at the crowd, sending everybody falling to the ground at top speed. 

jess was walking away, with the help of ani, and justin ran to them and yelled, "jess, get down!" they all dropped down as the car exploded. alex was sent backwards a little, and charlie stayed still. smoke surrounded the area and people were getting up slowly, coughing and groaning in pain. justin got up quick and helped jess and ani up and gestured for them to leave the area. he then ran towards alex and charlie. he knelt down beside the two.

"alex, you okay?"

"yeah, i'm fine." alex answered, shifting himself up a little bit. jess and ani came behind them, and justin turned to face them. "why are you here? i told you to go." they both ignored him and stared, horrified, at charlie. alex, with justin's help, rolled charlie on his back. 

"someone call an ambulance!" justin cried out, and ani ran to go find help. clay, tony, and tyler, came up from the other side. tony was beaten badly, clay had a few scratches and bruises, and tyler was almost completely clean. 

"holy..." clay froze when he saw charlie. 

"is he going to be okay?" tony asked, worry etched on his face. alex sighed and shrugged shakily. "i don't know."

everyone had moved out, leaving just them surrounding charlie.

sirens sounded nearby, slowly getting closer, and the group breathed a sigh of relief. the blue and red lights started coming nearer and they turned to see an ambulance and a few police cars stopped a little away from them. 

alex, maybe just instinctively, had been holding charlie's bloody hand the entire time.


hospital waiting rooms had always irked alex. it made it worse, remembering how charlie had told him about his mother's death after she left this hospital. and even worse now, beacause charlie was the one on the operating table.

zach was sitting across from him. alex had called zach and told him what happened, and zach came as fast as he could.

jess and ani were sitting to alex's left, and clay was to his right. justin was sitting next to zach. charlie's dad and alex's parents were sitting behind them on a seperate row of chairs. te silence was overwhelming to alex, and he felt like throwing up and crying. 

"charlie st. george?" a nurse walked in, calling out. alex stood up and the rest of the group turned to face her. charlie's dad stood and faced the nurse, "is my son okay?"

"he's okay. he bruised a few ribs and suffered a concussion. three fingers on his right hand are broken as well." the nurse calmly relayed the information to them.

alex's heart dropped. he knew that charlie's life was in football, and that he couldn't play for a while with broken fingers. 

"he's awake," the nurse continued, "and he asked for someone names alex standall."

alex froze. "that's m-me." he said, shaking a little as he spoke. the nurse gestured to a room down the hall and alex led himself to the door. 

he opened the door quietly and stepped inside, the door closing behind him by itself. charlie was laying on the bed. his head and hand were bandaged. alex sat down next to him and took his left hand in his. he gingerly placed his other hand on charlie's cheek. charlie smiled, weakly, and reached up with his injured right hand, and rested it on alex's. 

charlie's gorgeous eyes had lost a lot of color, and he was paler than normal. alex's heart ached for the boy. they sat in silence together for a few moments. 

finally, alex leaned down and kissed charlie's forhead in a motherly way. it reassured charlie that he would be okay, without a word being spoken. they both smiled at each other. 

"i love you." alex whispered.

"i love you too." charlie whispered back.


the end! just a lil bit of fluff there in the last few paragraphs haha. hope you liked it! drop requests in the comments :)

cuz i love you :(Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat