charlie st. george and alex standall (13 reasons why)

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i just realized how depressing i made this one... oh man.

tw// blood 

there was a riot yesterday.

someone blew up a car.

and it did some damage.

"i was kinda following your lead on this..."

"what? i was following yours!"

jessica davis and clay jensen argued as they, unknowingly, led the whole of liberty high out the front of the building. charlie st. george squeezed his way through the crowd up to them and tapped jess' shoulder.

"hey, take a look." he gestured to the crowd. jess turned around, astonished, and clay exhaled slightly in confusion. 

"did we..." clay trailed off.

"okay... well, let's do something, i guess." jess rambled, unsure of what really to do. 

"hey, jess!" a new voice called from behind them. ani achoa had made her way through the crowd and was holding a megaphone, which she handed to jess. 

"let's hear what our president has to say." she said, with a wink. jess took the megaphone and climbed onto the hood of the care behind her. she started speaking, captivating everyone, except for charlie. he was searching the crowd for alex standall, his boyfriend. he was no where to be seen. 

charlie gave up after a few minutes, silently glad he didn't see alex. alex had been involved in fights and other incidents, so charlie felt kind of grateful that he wouldn't be involved in this, if it escalated. 

jess' speech ended, and charlie found that out when everyone started cheering and chanting "hey hey, ho ho, sro's have got to go!" with ani at the head. 

a group of police officers started to gather at the front of the school building, forcing the students to move back. charlie, jess, clay, and ani fell in with the rest of their class and moved towards the parking lot. jess yelled something unintelligible, and everyone started throwing things and shoving and yelling at the officers. 

charlie got caught in the crossfire between the two groups. he shoved through some officers and helped some people up. he wasn't trying to get involved, he was trying to find alex. 

after a few minutes of fighting, some officers pulled out bats, sending people into a panic. the group of students moved away from the police, taking shelter behind cars and trash cans. charlie followed and moved away as fast as he could. he needed to find alex.

"hey!" clay yelled behind him through the megaphone. charlie turned around, confused on how clay had gotten a hold of the megaphone. clay started rallying up the students for round 2, and charlie finally came to peace with the fact that alex wasn't there, and he needed to help the people around him. he moved slowly towards the officers, unlike the rest of the people around him. 

"ah, what the hell!" clay hollered after being dragged to the ground by 3 officers. charlie immediately ran towards him and pulled off a few officers. as he turned to get the last officer off of clay, he was hit on the head with a bat by someone behind him. he fell to the ground with a thud and slammed his head. the two officers were kicking and beating him, and he yelled out in pain. 

"charlie!" clay yelled, but was pulled away by another officer. the men continued beating charlie up. he put his hands over his head to shield himself, but one the officers came down hard on his right hand.


"AH!" charlie screamed in pain. there was a large scratch in his right hand that was gushing out blood at top speed. three of his fingers weren't moving and were numb. he moaned in main, not realizing that people around him started to notice what happened. everyone was still fighting, and the students who tried to get to charlie were thrown back by officers. 

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