Chapter One

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Harry sat up, to see Draco standing by the window. "I would like you to follow the same rules I placed in for those kids, please." Harry said, and Draco lowered the metal garde they had over the window. "Remind me why I agree to come back here?" Draco said, walking back over to the bed. "We are forty years old and somebody did want to start a family." Harry said. "I did, but not in the middle of a war." Draco whined, getting pulled on Harry's lap who then grabbed the picture of the end table. "I agree, the war make our lives more complex than we have been used to, but thanks to your parents Manor. We have became a little mini orphanage that has so far homed six children." Harry said. "With two clueless parents. We went form zero to six children in three days. It's been a week and I still haven't a clue." Draco kind of laughed, but got a kiss. "Agreed. I still don't even know their names." Harry said. "Tyler and Taylor are the twin boys there in the back. Summer is the one in the dress. Piper and Phoebe are the girls on the chair, very sweet young girl. And the baby is Maxim, I believe his parents where Russian." Draco said and Harry smiled. "See? You know them better then I do. How old are they again?" Harry asked. "The twins are fourteen, the sisters are ten and eight, summer is four and the baby is four months." Draco said. "See? Better each day. I have to get ready for Patrol and the bus will pick up the children at the house and bring them right back after classes." Harry said. "I know, I know. Summer wants to know why they won't let her enroll yet. She's four." Draco said. "The new laws due to the war Draco. Hopefully it will come to end soon, if not. She'll be in school at six. I'm sure you can teach her something?" Harry asked. "She doesn't want me she wants a school. Can you try and see?" Draco asked giving Harry a kiss. "I'll ask around, but I doubt it, call me if the alarm goes off. I haven't been married to you for 22 years to let some ender take you away form me." Harry said, getting a kiss. "I promise, but Max has a doctors appointment tomorrow after your shift. He'll be rather upset if I'm not there." Draco said. "You need to stay here with the other kids. It isn't safe to travel with six kids. The twins and The ten year old are the only ones who are even allowed outside anyway." Harry said. "I know, Max just won't be happy." Draco frown. "I'll handle the baby tomorrow." Harry said.

Draco handed the four children their lunch boxes and gathered their back packs waiting by the door. "Draco?" Asked Tyler. "Yes?" Draco asked. "You sound form America...but you grew up here." He said. "Me and Harry spent 20 years traveling. We spent a lot of time in America." Draco smiled lightly. "Then why come back?" Phoebe asked. "We got a called form an old friend of Harry's who got hurt in the war. Once we moved back, we learned about all you kids. We wanted a family anyway, just not quiet...In such a world like today." Draco replied. "You mean the fact we can't even go outside anymore?" Said Taylor. "Yeah, and I'm sorry about that kids." Draco whispered. "Harry's close to the inside, what's he is saying?" Taylor ask. "Not much, kids. As soon as I know something, I will tell you as soon as I know something." Draco said, hearing the horn of the bus, and got a hug form the two girls. "You'll be okay, girls." Draco said, and hurried the four kids out the door.

It was nothing like it once was. You could smell smoke in the air outside, it's way most wore masks outside their homes. The air was no longer safe their, and homes were equipped with a air system these days. Hardly any green left in the yard and hardly any trees. Their home was away form the main city, so at least their wasn't daily gun fires...But it really didn't mean they were any safer. The gate closed and the last of the kids were on the bus and Draco watched it speed away so he had to shut the door. "I want to go too." Summer whined when Draco was locking the door. "Yes, I know Summer. We talked about these however." Draco said, walking them to the fire place as the baby started making fussing noises in the place pen. "But my brother and sister when and I know my mama loved school I was suppose to skip-" Summer whine. "Honey, I know all of these. I can't change it." Draco said. "Then make my parents at least take me back!" She cried. "I can try and call your parents, sweetheart...But I can't make promise." Draco said. "They kept them because...they much older..." She whispered and Draco rested on his ankles. "I know, you old me. There's laws in place with anybody with small children, sweetheart. Over 40% of the children under six where given up because nobody could stay home with them." Draco said. "My daddy's money would have been enough..." She mumbled. "I know. Let me see if I can get hold of your mom or dad." Draco ask. "Okay...I guess that will help a little." She said and Draco give her head a kiss and walked over to the play pen. "I'll get your bottle in just a moment. You're new sister is going to keep you company for a moment." Draco smiled lightly and walked into Harry's home office and pulled out the folder on Summer Granger. "Why...does that last name seem familiar?" Draco asked himself, having a sit in the chair.

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