"What do you think?" Hawk said softly, his index finger tapping his chin. Hunter rolled her eyes.

"I don't think we should give them names." Hunter muttered and crossed her arms.

"Shithead one and shithead two?" Hawk said, ignoring the girl.

Aisha shook her head. "I was thinking more Mary-Kate and Asshat." Hawk let out his famous obnoxious laugh. Hunter gave Mitch and Chris a sympathetic look.

"Well I'm Chris-"

"Did I say you could speak?" Hawk spat.

Hunter looked over at Miguel and gave him a pleading look. The boy sighed and walked over towards his classmates. "Guys, look, they're just messing with you." He said softly and patted their back. Hunter smiled at the boy. "Besides, everyone knows your names are assface and douchebag." Hunter's smile fell into a scowl as her classmates erupted into a fit of giggles.

"Real mature, Miguel." She grumbled, shaking her head.

"Oh c'mon, Hunter, we're just messing around—" Miguel was cut off by the bell of the dojo jingling signaling that someone was coming in.

"Who the hell is that?" Hunter whispered as the whole class stopped to gawk at the older man. He was frightening to look at. His wrinkled face held a scowl and a look of disgust. "Jesus Christ." He muttered.

"I don't know," Miguel whispered back to his girl. The group of teens eyes followed the man as he walked towards the back of the dojo.

"Hey, uh, can I help you, sir?" Miguel spoke politely to the older man.

The man looked him up and down. "No, but maybe I can help you." The man smiled smugly.

"Hey," Johnny spoke up as he walked out of his office.

"Uh, sensei..." Miguel muttered as Johnny approached the two. Hunter stepped forward, taking in the older man's appearance.

Johnny and the man began to whisper making it hard for Hunter and Miguel to decipher what they were saying. "He's scary." She muttered, looking up at Miguel. The boy just shrugged.

"Fall in!" Johnny shouted. The students followed his orders, falling into their positions. "Class, we have a visitor. This is Mr. Kreese. He's just an observer. Pretend like he's not even here." Johnny said. Hunter was still perplexed on how Johnny knew this man. Quite frankly, she didn't think Johnny had friends let alone one that was at least thirty years older than him.

"Mr. Diaz, warm them up." Miguel stepped forward as Johnny stood back with Kreese and got into position. "Fighting positions!" Hunter let out a soft grunt as she got into position. "Front kick!" Miguel instructed. Hunter obeyed and did the front kick with a soft "yuh" Escaping her lips.

"Forward strike, yuh!" Miguel order which the students obeyed.

"Side jab, yuh!" The students let out a chorus of giggles as they dabbed. It was something they came up with as a reliever for the hard days but Johnny's visitor wasn't impressed and Hunter could see that. It made Johnny cower.

"What the hell was that?" Johnny hissed.

The laughs of the Cobra Kai students died down at their sensei's sternness. "We're just messing around," Miguel explained, his face falling. "We have 11 and a half months until the next All Valley."

patience,    miguel diaz जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें