Framed Part 1- Annie x Jeff

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Ir was a lovely spring afternoon at Greendale Community College. Everyone was enjoying their Friday and looking forward to the upcoming weekend.

"Okay guys, after we finish this anthropology homework, you wanna dinner? There's this new diner that opened a couple blocks away" Annie asked.

"Sure I could go for some diner food" Troy said.

"As long as they have egg white omelettes" Jeff said not looking up from his phone.

Just as everyone was packing up the Dean came in wearing a very extravagant red flapper costume followed by two police officers.

"Hello Greendale's infamous study group, and Jeff" He said winking at Jeff. Jeff returned the gesture with a disgusted face.

"It has come to my attention that one of you have been hiding drugs on campus. This better be important because it interrupted my salsa dancing class" Dean said.

"Well you can stop your search right here. I've been working with these people for a couple years know and none of them would ever be dealing with drugs" Jeff said.

"Really? Then Mr. Winger, if you're so confident then why don't you ask about Ms. Edison's past" the Dean asked.

Annie bit her lip, she trusted her study group. They were basically her family since her real family disowned her. Everyone at the table knew that in high school Annie had become addicted to adderall and how that effected her future in going to a community college and to rehab, but that was all behind her. She swore that she was clean and has not touched any sort of drugs since, she was even cautious about over the counter prescriptions.

"No need to bring up anyone's past Dean" Britta chimed in.

"Unfourtunetly, I have to Ms. Perry, as I said before, one of you have been accused in dealing with drugs" The Dean responded.

"Well whatever it is, it can wait til Monday. We're all hungry and want to go to dinner" Jeff said standing up and unknowingly grabbing Annie's hand.

"I'm afraid I can't let you do that-" Dean started.

"What? Go out to dinner?" Jeff asked.

"No, you and the rest of your study group can go, minus Miss Edison of course" Dean stated.

"Why me?" Annie asked, hand still Jeff's.

"Would you like me to tell you in front of your group?" Dean asked.

"Tell me what? I didn't do anything" Annie said.

"Very well. Miss Edison, security have found large doses of adderall in your locker. Given with your past history with such a drug, the police has been the way you won't let this go public will you?" the dean exclaimed then whispered into one of the policemen's ears.

That policeman rolled his eyes and stepped forward.

"Miss Edison, you are under arrest for the possession of illegal drugs..."

"Wait what?!" Annie cried backing up.

"Now hold on a second-" Jeff stared stepping in front of Annie protectively.

"Sir, please back away" the other police officer warned.

"I used to be a lawyer, I know how this works, you can't just arrest off school premises" Jeff argued back.

"Sir, we have physically found a large stash of drugs in Miss Edison's locker, that is enough to bring her in for questioning" one of the officers said.

"But she's young! Just 18!" Britta yelled.

"Yes, but she is at legal age for an adult" the officer said attempting to push Jeff aside.

"Don't touch me, or her" Jeff said, standing his ground

"Sir, if you do not move, we will make you and use force" one of the officers said.

"Jeff..." Annie started placing her hand on his arm.

"No Annie, I'm not letting them take you" Jeff said.

"Very well sir" one of the officers said and before Jeff could even respond, a taser was brought out and he was tased in the neck

"Jeff! Oh my god!" Annie said bending down to where Jeff was lying. Before she could even help him up she was grabbed and pushed up against the wall.

"Annie Edison, you are under arrest for possession of drugs, you will be taken in for questioning" one of the officers handcuffed her and began to walk away.

"Jeff!? What's going on?! Are you okay!" Annie yelled as she was being taken away in handcuffs by the two officers.

Jeff just laid there on the ground unable to move. He could process everything that was happening and his eyes were still open, but he lost the ability to move for a couple moments.

Britta and Shirley came down to the ground to help him up and Troy and Abed carried him to the couch.

"Where is she?" Jeff asked dazed.

"She was taken to the police station" Shirley replied.

"We go...everyone to the...Lexus" Jeff stammered, trying to get up.

"Jeff, you are in no condition to drive" Britta said.

"Yeah, a taser is similar to a carbon freeze in Star Wars, you'll need help for the next hour or two" Abed said.

Jeff ignored the Star Wars referenced and continued to try to stand, with the help of Troy and Britta for support.

"Annie needs us. She is the youngest and heading to jail, we need to get there now" Jeff said.

"All right everyone to my car" Shirley exclaimed.

"Are you sure it's going to fit all of us?" Pierce asked.

"Honey, it's a mini van, it could fit the whole school" Shirley said confidently and walked out, grabbing the keys from her purse

The group walked to Shirley's car and piled in. Jeff got shotgun and stared out the window as Shirley drove.

"What are you thinking about Jeffery?" Shirley asked in a maternal voice, similar to as if she was asking her kids how their day at school went.

"I'm thinking about how Annie is doing, she's probably being questioned and interrogated for something she didn't do" Jeff said.

"Well, I don't want to be that person but what if she did turn back to her old ways?" Pierce asked.

Everyone looked at Pierce with a judgmental, shocked look.

"How could you say that Pierce?! This is Annie we're talking about. OUR Annie. She is in a good spot and would not risk anything to her future. Besides if she was struggling, she would have told at least one of us" Jeff said.

Pierce piped down and looked down in guilty for doubting his favourite member of the study group.

"What's our game plan for when we get there?" Troy asked

"Find Annie, if anyone stops us, I'll pull the layer card" Jeff responded.

"Ex lawyer" Abed corrected.

Jeff ignored Abed's correction, "They don't need to know that".

"Jeff, I want to get Annie back too, but are you thinking clearly? If the police find out, you could get in even more trouble, or worse, arrested as well" Britta said.

"Maybe, maybe not, but I can't just stand by and do nothing" Jeff said.

Soon enough, Shirley pulled into the parking lot of the police station and Jeff was the first one out.

This is part 1, part 2 will be out soon!

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