"thank you"  Phil said as he took a pan to one hand from his backpack. He reached his other empty hand towards me. "give me an egg" He said.

I placed one egg gently on his hand. He collided the egg to the edge of the pan, cracing it open. He cracked 2 more eggs onto the pan before holding it ontop of the fire, letting the eggs slowly cook.

Me and Techno joked around about some stupid stuff while Phil was making us breakfast.

"Tommy could you hand me a plate with a bread ontop" Phil asked keeping his eyes on the cooking eggs.

"oh! Yea sure" I answered as I opened the bag of soft, white bread. I took one slice of bread and put it carefully on one of the plates and handed it to Phil. Phil carefully slided one of the cooked eggs ontop of the bread and handed the plate to Techno.

"give me another one" Phil said.

I gave him another plate with a bread and he slided an egg on it aswell. He put the plate on his thighs and slided the last egg on the last bread on the last plate. My plate. Then he handed the plate to me.

Phil slided the empty, hot pan onto the snow next to himself.

"ok. Let's eat breakfast now. Enjoy!" Phil said.

We all started eating. The taste of the cooked egg was amazing. It was cooked just perfectly. I have no idea how father Phil is able to cook everything just-- great.

I finished the bread fastly. It was so tasty and I was kind of hungry.

"So. What will we do today?" I ask curiously focused only on the trip. I've even forgotten the reason why we were here in the first place. Just the fact that I can spend time with my family made my mood light up.

"I don't know. We can chill. Take it easy you know? Build snowmen. Go for a swim?" Techno answered sarcasticly.

"hell yea! Let's go for a morning swim now!" I said excited.

"no no no no! It's cold icy water and it's winter. You'll get sick" Dadza commanded worried.

Techno just giggled and nodded with a grind on his face. Techno got up and started taking his jacket off.

"First one in the water wins!" Techno yelled challenging me.

I quikly got up, took my jacket off in seconds. I took my thicc sweather off through my head and threw it on the ground, along with my t-shirt.

I kicked my shoes off and rolled my pants down. I runned fastly towards the lake and dived in deep under the water, Techno right on my tail. I won.

The water was freezing. The cold water gave me chills all around my half naked, skinny body. The cold water brushed against my face making me regret diving in so fastly.

I dove to the surface for air. As I got my head above the freezing water, I took a huge breath of air in. I fastly started swimming towards the shore. It was a stupid move to jump in.

I got up to the shore, my feet touching the cold snow. I was instantly greeted with Phil wrapping a towel around me and walking me close to the fire.

After sitting me down, Phil went to give Techno a towel aswell. Techno wrapped it around his muscular pinkish body. Techno sat down aswell. We were both only on out boxers just sat there freezing, regretting our little dump competition. Phil gave us warm clothes that we started putting on in a hurry. It was so cold.

"you guys are idiots. You could die" Phil scolded us. He was angry.

Techno just laughted as he put on his jacket.

Emotionally unstable  | Tommyinnit/Sleepyboysinc (finished Book) Where stories live. Discover now