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Wei Wuxian pov
It was a bright sunny morning up in the burial mounds. And I didn't want to move so I decided to just stay in my comfortable position and bury myself deeper within the blankets I had. That was until I heard tiny footsteps stopping then going and running into my room. " Anck," I yelled when I felt something or someone jump onto my abdomen and stay there. I look down to see a cute adorable bun bun ( Ah-Yuan )sleeping with little baby fists in the middle on where my chest and stomach meet. Bun bun is Ah-Yuan's nickname I given him after I found out that he likes bunnies after we snuck up to the Gusu Lan Clan's back garden type thingy and hanged out with the bunnies at midnight. including Jiang Rulan and Jiang Jingyi since they both begged me to let them come with me. Then come back to Yiling just to see a disappointed Yanli waiting infront of her door for her 2 babies that snuck off without her knowing and only left a note. I chuckle remembering that time even though it happend 1 day ago. Suddenly Ah-Qing rushed in with Ah-ning behind her. " yah Ah-Yuan wake up I know your not sleeping. And How Dare You Run Away From Me Like That," Ah-Qing says walking over to Ah-Yuan and picking him up into her arms. " I'm sorry Aunty Qing I was just too excited to see Older brother Ying," he says looking at her then at me. " sorry older brother for disturbing your sleep," he says looking at my eyes then down to the floor. I get up and stand infront of him. " it's ok Ah-Yuan you were excited to see me and runned off without telling Ah-Qing, so nothing to worry about cause your sorry and we forgive you," I say while petting / patting his head and looked at Ah-Qing. Ah-Qing just rolled her eyes and sighs. " Yeah Ah-Yuan, even thought you ran away from excitement I suppose I forgive you too.". " YAAAAAAAAAY THANK YOU AUNTY AH-QING," Ah-Yuan says while Ah-Qing puts him into my arms and starts walking away. " yah Ah-Yuan if you ever do that again to your Aunty I'm afraid she might explode...( Ah-ning snickers )..( Ah-Qing turns around with needles in between her pointer and middle finger, walks back, and holds them towards my face) ah yah you didn't let me finish, as I was saying explode from too much worry and you wouldn't want that, right Ah-Yuan," I say and Ah-Yuan looks up at me while Ah-Qing rolls her eyes for the 1000 time that day and walks out of the cave ( what Wei ning's room is up on the burial mountains ). " Nooooo I don't want her to diiiiiiieee," Ah-Yuan says pouting. " ok then promise me you would not run off again from excitement," I say while holding out my pinky and he intertwines his. " I promise older brother Ying," he says while I smile and he giggles. " Good now let's go visit Older brother Xue Yang I'm sure he has some candy for you," I say while walking out of the cave and to his little room type house. " ( knock knock ) Xue Yang? Xue Yang...Xue Yang? Come on answer the door Xue Yang-ah," I say knocking then put Ah-Yuan down and continued to knock and saying the same thing over again. Shuffle shuffle leaves crunch creak creak. " huh what was that?" I say then turned around and Ah-Yuan did the same only to see someone standing behind us wearing a scary type mask ( the mask that Nie Huaisang wore to scare Wei Ying in that village outside of Yi City ). " AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH," Ah-Yuan and I scream and it starts laughing. " BAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA oh my gosh you should have seen your faces hahahahaha," the person says taking off the mask only to be Xue Yang. " YAH XUE YANG why did you do that you scared poor Ah-Yuan ( looks at Ah-Yuan that has teary-eyes and looks like he's about to cry ) you see what you did," I say and lower down and hug Ah-Yuan while whispering sweet / soothing words to him. " oh...um..I'm sorry Wei Ying I thought you were alone I didn't think you brought Ah-Yuan ( lowers down to Ah-Yuan, I stop hugging him and he turns his head to face Xue Yang while I have my arms around him and pets his hair to calm him down ) I'm sorry Ah-Yuan I didn't mean it I didn't mean to scare you," Xue Yang says while pouting and looking down. 1 second later Ah-Yuan is hugging Xue Yang. " it's ok Older brother Xue I forgive you," he says while hugging him and smiles brightly while Xue Yang hugs back. " Now what were you going to ask me?" Xue Yang says questioning while standing back up with Ah-Yuan in his arms. " oh um yes I need you to run down to Yiling and pick up a few things Ah-Qing asked me to tell you to get, but hurry back because I have something to tell you in private later and while your gone be sure you wear your mask," I say taking Ah-Yuan back into my arms while Xue Yang runs into his room / house then runs back out and starts walking down the path out of the burial mounds. " YAH XUE XUE ( my nickname for him )BE CAREFUL AND PUT ON YOUR MASK," I say screaming but not too loudly out to him and he just stuck up his left hand signaling he heard then puts on his mask. " Ok now bye bye Wei Wu ( his nickname for me )," he says. ( or Wu Wu but only for code name when their on missions ).

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