16° the ball

100 6 38

Just kidding. That was my subconscious mind yelling.

"Can y'all stop doing that?"

As if I pressed a freeze button. Everything's coming to a halt. Like literally. The voices, the sound of bubbles, any sound waves that were everywhere before- now gone. And the defeaning silence welcomed me.

I reluctantly pry open my heavy lids, while trying to gulp any saliva present in attempt to settle down my dry throat. When those eyeballs of mine came into function, I could feel my eyes slightly burned and was definitely welcomed with a view that could traumatized me forever.

Real eerie.

Three monstrous creatures that almost resembles a human being– except that their legs were made of slimy coated scales, covering from their waist to their toes, but instead of seeing toes, I'm actually seeing a big big caudal fin. Their appearance are then perfected with those fluke around their necks, arms and upper waists. One had golden ish white tail and hair and a pair of darkened golden pair of eyes, one right beside my face had a reddish white tail, a black-red hair and a pair of red fiery eyes but with a hint of softness in them, and the last one, who was staring at me with an evident shock expression had a bluish white tail and a pair of intense blue eyes that held the whole ocean in them– were all staring at me with fangs past their jaw, except for the blue one with dirty blonde hair.

(Can refer picture above.)

They are the definition of the eerily beautiful.

Well, the dark and black ish background couldn't get any scarier. Hm, at least these half-human species have a wonderful abs. Ever, snap out of it for goddamn sake, you're about to get eaten alive!

I was snapped out of my trance when two of them hissed and swim away from me quickly in a split second.

"A human?!"

"She can talk?!"

Both of their ears perked up and their gaze narrowed, making me feel super tiny in their scrutinizing eyes.

Suddenly, something inside me has clicked, they are mermaids! Well not that, they are mermans! The tails, the growls! The bubbles! We're inside water! I am inside water! Holy fu-

How do I breathe? I can breathe underwater?! I gasped loudly at my brilliant discovery, before panicking about my breathing system. Weirdly I'm fine.

"I cannot hear-", suddenly the golden one mumbled loudly and then his darkened eyes, if possible becomes much darker and snapped his head to the blue one. "What did you do to her?"

"I did nothing to her!", he replied with the same hiss. But then his face appeared slightly nervous. "But maybe I did gave her my ball."

I choked on the air. I mean with this situation, on water. B-ball? What ball?

"You gave her the ball? You did know you only have one. And what if they know? What if the whole kingdom know?!", he whisper shouted. The only quiet and red one already displayed a horrified expression. The blue one had no reply, but then he muttered a few words.

"I know and I do not regret it."


A Surprise gift since you guys been spamming my book which made me really happy! Lol, maybe this is the official last one before I'm focusing fully for my exam 2 weeks ahead.. so please vote, muah!

Sorry if this chap sucks :(

꧁MER°TEEZ꧂Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ