chapter 1

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Sarah's POV
when Judy, taryn, and Mady left my house, I found myself laying on my bed clutching the locket that Mady gave me in both hands.

Why did she have to be so cute and beautiful and funny and sweet and have a beautiful smile and... here I go again ugh.

"you're straight Sarah." I say out loud to myself. "you're straight straight straight straight" maybe if I repeat this enough it will be true.

i shut my eyes and fall asleep with the locket in my hand.

Madys POV
I open my eyes to the sound of an alarm clock. Ugh I hate mornings. But I still manage to pull myself out of bed.


I end up at school, still half asleep.

"hellllooooo Mady" I hear a guy say. I turn to see Tyson wongs standing behind me.

"hey Wong tong" I reply.

"so I was uh wondering," he looked nervous "will you uh be my uh.... girlfriend?"

I flinch when he says this.

"oh, um... listen I really really really like you, as a friend."

"oh. Haha that- that's okay." I feel bad for how sad he looks. "I was joking anyway"

He walks away looking down at the ground.

Why did it feel so weird for a guy to ask me out? Oh well. Whatever.

I walk into the cafeteria where I see jaida, Molly, Jude, taryn, and Sarah sitting at a lunch table. I notice that Sarah's wearing the locket I got her. I walk over to the table.

"helllloo." taryn says her usual weird hello.

I sit down across from Sarah.

"told you guys my gift was top shit." Jude glares at me.

"well at least my gift was better then headphones" Jude smirks at taryn.

"I'm leaving goodbye." Taryn says getting up and grabbing Molly and jaida by the arms . "and dont swear around fragile ears."

"Hey!" jaida says while Molly laughs.
"just leave it jay." Molly says beginning to walk away with taryn. Jaida follows.

I hear Sarah let out a giggle at this site.
"Well aren't you happy today." I say to Sarah.

"I don't know, I'm just happy." Sarah says with a warm smile on her face.

Anon POV
I walk down the hallway to the cafeteria to see Sarah and Mady giggling and being all close. I would think its normal for any girl to do that but they were cutting out Jude as if she was third wheeling. Disgusting. There just gay and gross. it isn't normal.

Madys POV
the bell rings making me jump. I look up at the TV above the lunch tables. It reads 'Day 2'. I say my goodbyes to sarah and jude and walk to my locker grabbing my science textbook and binder.

I end up sitting in science listening to mr. findlay talk about the human eye. I look around the room and sigh.
I wish my squad was in here. Taryns sassiness, Jude's jokes, and Sarah's... everything. Wait what!? No no no I like guys. I wash the thought out of my head and listen to mr. Findlay just so I don't think about the possibility of not being straight.


The day couldn't have gone any slower. It was as if I was a snail through time. The only time that went fast was when I was with my squad. I was having so much fun playing going to Starbucks with Sarah that time just flew by. But finally it was the end of the day. I took the bus home just like everyday.

When I walked through my front door I immediately dropped my backpack and went into my room. I went on my phone and thought back through the day. Again the thought came to my mind.

'you're not straight'. I held my head hoping I was just sick and couldn't think straight. 'I can't think straight.' 'that's cause you're not straight'. No no no no. I am straight.

I did what I always do when I have a problem; FaceTime taryn. I pick up my phone that I had dropped due to my thoughts and tapped her contact. It rang.

"helllloooo" she said.

"taryn I have a problem"

"what is it now?" she said sighing.

"have you ever thought you weren't straight?"

"everyone has thought this" she said.

"so it's normal?" I asked relaxing.



Fast enough it was already dark and I was tired from the slow day. I laid down and closed my eyes giving me time to think.

Taryn said that thought was normal. But I feel like no one thinks about it this much unless they are... gay. but im not so whatever. but what do I know I'm only 16. I'll just sleep it off. With that thought I managed to doze off still thinking about my sexuality.

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