???: Muu... He is dangerous better Muku maintains her distance from him...

AFTER LIKE WHOLE damn 7.50 minutes.

Now our Sun Spirit is now in view of Earth's atmosphere.

He is seeing the dark side of planet and its night time in Japan.

Now he went near Japan because of sudden weird energy feeling.

He then saw an abandoned Island and decided to land on it/set foot on it.

He then carefully tried land on it but the moment he set his foot on that Island.


The whole island got Destroyed but some land was still left.

But he was like 'What the hell happened here?'

Shido POV

I was sleeping peacefully, not until I got woke up from an Earthquake.


I ran towards their home but I saw all of them okay even Origami was there.

Tohka: Shido what is this!?!?

Shido: It's an Earthquake!!! Little brother of Spacequake. Quickly let's go to Shelter.

XD: Shido!!! I hope you do know that I mentioned Earthquake not Spacequake!!!

We then got teleported!

I then saw Kotori in her Command chair..

Kotori: Shido we have no time to discuss, this time it's our Cosquake Friend!!!!

Shido and the girls: NANI!?!?!?

Kotori: Yes! Heck we have to start Fraxinus in emergency mode. It still didn't completed its tests yet!!!

All of us: WHAT!?!?!?

Kotori: Quickly take Fraxinux EX towards [Core]!!!!!

We then went towards the location of that Spirit in full speed.

I am now scared from this Spirit Actually but I will seal her!!!


Okay now I am only seeing a burning Island... Good thing it was abandoned.

Kotori: Shido we are sending you down there. Please be safe.

Shido: Hai!!!

Then I got teleported down there and I only saw fire like I got 5 years back again on the day of Great Tengu Fire but it was more devastating.

Shido: I need to find her quickly!!!

I ran towards the direction of Spirit Energy but when I went near it, I saw a...........

Shido/[Kotori]: A SUN!?!?!?!?!?!?

That's right a mini Sun was there hovering over the Island.

[Kotori]: Shido try to Destroy it!!

Shido: Hai! Sandlphon!!!

I summoned Sandlphon and was going attack the sun but...

Shido: *awkward laughing*You know there is a thing know as talking

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Shido: *awkward laughing*You know there is a thing know as talking.

And then those swords attacked me!!!!

Shido: Sh*t!!!

I started dodging them and when I tried to swing Sandlphon to send a wave of energy towards them... They just cut thorough it like it was nothing and before it could hit me I teleported back inside Fraxinus EX.

Kotori: Man you almost got yourself killed.

Tohka and Origami: Shido are you alright?!

Shido: Yep but I wasn't able to see her.

Then we saw that Mini Sun got disappeared.

3rd POV

Now Core was on Arubi Islands and yep he landed peacefully.

Core: Who was he?

One of the abilities of our Sun Spirit that even if he heard or read a single sentence in any language he can learn the whole language within 5 seconds. Right now he can speak fluent Japenese and now have a perfect grammer (except if XD didn't do any grammatical mistakes.)

Core: Where am I?

???: You are in Arubi Islands, Japan.

Core looked towards the source of voice and saw...

Mio: Well I am always in my Phantom form but to meet you a Spirit like me I came in my original form

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Mio: Well I am always in my Phantom form but to meet you a Spirit like me I came in my original form.

Core: I see.

Some of Core's body parts were covered by some flames which means she didn't saw it.

Mio: I am surprised you will not attack me like you did with Shin.

Core: I sense no hostility in you and you were not like that uhh....

Mio: Whats the matter didn't you learnt the whole language now?

Core: Yeah but actually I know the word Just don't know on which it is used.

Mio: I see.

Let me explain actually Core learnt Japanese but he don't know where to apply some words well it's just like you know a formula's name but don't know the actual formula.

Mio: Well I am Mio Takamiya a Spirit just like you. What's your name?

Core: I don't have it.

Mio: I see. Well let me name you. *Clasps hands* Yes I found a good name for you.

Core: Hmm?

Mio: Your name will be......

Mio: Y/n L/n.

Hey Guys Hope you liked it😊
I will try to post the new chapter soon.
Stay Safe and Healthy.
Bye Guys🙋‍♂️

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