Chapter 2

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(Brother's Note: This is my sisters first time describing a fight scene so... don't give her shit for it... everyone's first attempt at describing something in a story can be confusing or all over the place)

Issei's POV

Issei: What happened earlier today? Why was your hair more spiked than it is now?

Y/N: It's complicated... I haven't told you guys this but I am a Saiyan. The most feared warrior race in the entire universe. Saiyans are similar to humans but they are born with tails and that tail is the source of their primitive power. When there is a full moon our true form is unleashed in the form a giant great ape. The Great Ape form boosts the users power by 10 times.

But I somehow managed to utilize my great ape power in base form in a transformation known as Ikari or Wrathful. I am able to maintain my speed but have the brute strength of the great ape and it's power. The reason why you saw my shock caller go off was because my wrathful form is uncontrollable and very destructive...

Issei: That makes sense....I guess? But why where your iris's changing colour? Is that a part of this wrathful transformation you speak of?

You nod which answers his questions.

Change to Rias POV

Rias: Is there any way you might be able to control this form of yours because if so it could be a huge benefit to us during the rating games. 

Y/N: That's what I'm working on trying to master the form without losing control. There are 3 reasons why Saiyans are the most feared: Their Tenacity, Pride, and Ferocity. From the moment saiyans are born they are sent off to weak worlds to purge them of the inhabitants to conquer. I was born with an astounding battle power of 10,000 as an infant.

Akeno: WHAAAAAAAT!?! 10,000 HOLY SHIT THATS STRONG! Now you've peeked my interest! I can't wait to see you on the battle field. 

You nod in agreement with her comment and give a slight smile that is still melancholic. 

Asia: So... what is a saiyan warrior like you doing here? Are you lost? Looking for someone or something? 

Y/N: Yes... I'm looking for the one who murdered my parents and I won't stop until I've found the bastard responsible. The room is silent as they give you a moment of silence for your loss.

Rias: We are sorry for your loss and will do our best to keep you happy. She pats your shoulder and gives you a positive smile. You can't help but smile when ever your new friends smile at you.

POV to Koneko

Koneko: U-um Y/N could we talk in private outside or someplace else? You nod and then get up going outside with her.

Koneko: I-Ive been meaning to say this to you but ever since we first met I instantly grew feelings for you and I want to tell you that When I thank you for standing up for me in the cafeteria. she blushes red upon talking to you.

Koneko: I-I want to be with you Y/N, I want to be your girlfriend... her face is very red from confessing to you.

Y/N: Koneko I... I didn't know you felt like that towards me. I accept your confession and I will do my best to protect you and your friends as you  then kiss her passionately. 

Koneko: I-If its not too much to ask but is it ok if I help you master your wrathful form? I want to see you fight at your best during the games without losing control.

POV change to Y/N

Y/N: thank you I could use the help. plus I get to spend more time with you as a reward. She blushes and hugs you.

Male Saiyan (Broly) Reader X Koneko (Riser Arc)Where stories live. Discover now