☆. 。.:* 3 - How bout... hide and seek? *:. 。.☆

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"Hey we've been sat here for like and hour and a half! How about we do something, like a game, I don't know?"

"How bout... hide and seek?" Clay suggests

"I'm in" says George

Nick looks over at me and I nodded my head to say 'sure, why not'

"Karl and I'll play" he tells the others

"Techno?" We all look at him expectantly.

"Ok sure, I'll play too"

"Yesss!" Alex exclaims, his eyes sparkling with competitiveness and excitement

"I wanna count first!"

"Ok cool, George counts and we hide... ready, GO!"

We all bolt as fast as we can, I don't think anyone had a specific hiding place in mind, we all just wanted to be as far away from the seeker as possible. Clay headed for the office, it was the room closest to the front door, one door down from the front room (where George is counting). Alex ran into the bathroom next to the kitchen, in my opinion it's a terrible hiding place, I bet it's the first place George is gonna look. Nick went towards the games room, it's between the front door and the front room, the door just before the office, I bet he's gonna hide behind that massive chair in the back right. Me and Techno decided to go upstairs, we got to the top and he went to the right, into the bathroom, whereas I went all the way left and into Alex's bedroom. I got under his desk and moved the chair in front of me for more cover, I could see Techno getting into the bathtub across the hall and I covered my mouth to stop myself from laughing and giving myself away. I heard George reach 60 downstairs and I went dead silent, waiting for him to find someone.

Not 30 seconds later and all of a sudden I hear Alex yelling at George that his hiding place was in fact good and that George was just using X-ray cheats. I mentally facepalmed and continued to listen. 5 minutes later, Clay and Nick had both been found and George was almost at the top of the stairs, I held my breath and watched as he opened the bathroom door. I yelled in triumph when Techno was found, I was way to proud of myself for winning a game of hide 'n' seek, but who cares.

About 4-5 games later and Techno is now seeking. This time Nick and I were the only ones that decided to hide upstairs, he hopped into the empty closet in the spare room. I on the other hand realised pretty quickly that I had not planned a hiding place and had nowhere to hide that Techno wouldn't immediately guess, he was almost done counting and I was freaking out. Nick must've realised I didn't know where to go because he grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me into the closet with him. There wasn't much space now that there was 2 people in here so we had to stand quite close together.

I was hyper aware of how close our faces were. I could feel his warm breath on my face, on my lips. I allowed my eyes to wander across his face, taking in every feature and etching it into my mind. He was so pretty, I couldn't bring myself to look away. My eyes met his for a split second, heat rising to my cheeks, even in the darkness of the closet I could see he was blushing too, it made him look even prettier (if that was even possible). My eyes travelled cautiously to his lips, they looked so soft, I really wanted to kiss him, he slowly inched closer, and as if by instinct I did the same. There was only about a centimetre of space between us at this point and my heart was beating unbelievably fast, my breath hitched and I hesitantly moved to connect our lips. We both forgot about the game entirely, that was until light flooded across our faces and we both jumped to opposite ends of the closet, praying that Techno didn't just see us almost kiss.

"You guys scare way to easily..." Techno smirked as he walked off to find the others.

I glanced up at Nick for a second and caught him staring at me with an affectionate look in his eyes, he flashes me that attractive smile of his and follows Techno back downstairs. I decide to stay behind for a second, I need to process what just happened.

"Hey Karl, you coming?" I hear Nick yell from the stairs.

"Yeah, I'll be right down!" I reply, a stupid grin plastered on my face

A/N: Hello readers :) first of all I hope you liked the longer chapter today, and I also hope you liked the closet bit ahah! Anyways if you have any suggestions for things you might wanna see happen in this book feel free to tell me :D

I love and appreciate you all so so much, hope you have a great day/night
1648 words

Hide 'n' Seek  ☆Karlnap☆Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin