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"...It's just your breath upon the breeze/Your soul amongst the forest floor..." -E.H.Hanson

Kitchen, Vera Manor, Seattle, Washington

The first week of school came and went; Maggie found herself in fierce competition with Antonio, almost annoyingly so—who knew a cousin of theirs was that knowledgeable...and that infuriatingly bright? Still, she was determined to ace her classes and be the best dual psychology-women's studies student she could possibly be.

"Hey, beautiful," a low voice murmured. Jordan.

"Hey yourself," as they kissed, ignoring the fast-bubbling Sancocho soup, its rich broth teeming with fresh-cut potatoes, yellow corn, peeled plantains, diced bell pepper, and chopped chayote squash.

"The soup's not going to stir itself, you know," both groaned as they heard a familiar voice behind them. Mel.

"Hello to you too, sis. Is Abigael...?" Maggie was almost afraid to ask.

Mel nodded. "She said she might pop by later this evening. Something about a rogue zoonotic trial in the Underworld—" as the doorbell rang—

"I'll get it, babe," Jordan murmured, kissing Maggie's forehead as she bit her lip, hiding a smile. Formidable though she was, she enjoyed being pampered with sweet and sultry words...

Front Entryway, Vera Manor, Seattle, Washington

"Hi," Antonio spoke, surprised at the welcoming committee greeting him at the front door—Jordan, Harry, and—he paused—Macy, his older cousin, currently descending the stairwell. "I brought domplines con habichuelas. Fried dumplings with stewed bean dipping sauce."

"Sounds utterly scrumptious," Harry remarked as Jordan reached for the dish, each of the men clapping Antonio on the back.

"Welcome to the Brotherhood," Jordan stated as Antonio crossed Vera Manor's threshold.

"The Brotherhood?" Antonio bore a puzzled expression.

"Of the Charmed Ones," Harry added. "Don't worry, you'll fit right in!"

Mel approached Antonio for a brief hello and made to close the front door, but a lilted Sussex voice caused her to halt in her tracks. Cracking open the door a few inches, she noticed a familiar lithe figure at the end of the front porch staircase.

"Is there room for one more?" The brunette held up a fancifully-wrapped loaf. "Chocolate sponge with chocolat chaud custard. Extra sinful, might I add—" she uttered by way of explanation.

The Charmed One grinned, her cheeks turning a faint crimson. "For you? Always."


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