C52: Being use without knowing it

Start from the beginning

Danny complained to Louis: "Why don't you have a contact information for him? Of course the restaurant is closed at three o'clock. We might as well go outside and find some special snacks."

How can Louis say that he is not familiar with Shao Yan at all. He came to City A to find someone with a lot of blood, and now he can only use his swollen face to fill the room. The front desk supervisor walked for more than ten minutes as soon as he left. The long waiting time made him nervous. It was easy to see the figure inside from a distance, and he was immediately relieved when he caught Shao Yan.

The image of Louis Leng Gao disappeared, and he waved at Shao Yan excitedly and shouted, "Here!!!"

Who is this?

Shao Yan couldn't understand what he said or his face, carrying a freshly washed sea urchin and approaching in confusion. Louis immediately realized that the other party had forgotten who he was and was greatly frustrated, so he tried to remind the other party to remember him.

Shao Yan couldn't understand what he was saying, and immediately didn't want to go there. He grabbed the foreman's clothes and stopped: "What is this person talking about?"

"He said he met you in S city, and a person named Yan Xi Your friend..."

Shao Yan recalled for a long time before he remembered the foreigner who was sitting in a box with Yan Xi the day the passion fruit wine came out. Foreigners look the same to him, and it is a bit difficult for him to get his head off. Shao Yan is not familiar with Louis, but because of a serious relationship, he can't drive people away casually, so he has to walk over.

The languages ​​of both parties are not fluent. Fortunately, the almighty foreman can speak three foreign languages, which makes communication much easier.

After hearing that Shao Yan was the person they were looking for, the group of friends that Louis had brought were all very surprised. They thought that their goal shouldn't be seventy and eighty. They should also be a somewhat older chef with many years of experience. After all, after all these years, there are really few chefs who can be highly praised by Louis, and the chefs of restaurants with three-star standards for Gumei are no exception. They are not young.

Everyone was hesitating. Shao Yan saw Louis wrinkling a nice face and said pitifully that he was hungry. After hesitating for a while, he glanced up and down at each other, then turned around and walked towards the kitchen: "Come with me. Pick, when is this chosen?"

The foreman smiled and only translated the good words. Louis stared at Shao Yanqing's thin and straight back, and his heart felt as warm as a spring breeze.

"Are you kidding Louis?"

"We came to City A to find him when we were exhausted?"

"This person looks very uncomfortable!"

As soon as Shao Yan left Louis' group of friends, he caught up. Surrounding him, a group of people whispered their dissatisfaction with what they had just seen. Louis seemed to see himself more than a week ago through these people, just smiled and didn't talk much.

There are a lot of ingredients in the back kitchen, but Shao Yan didn't plan to make more solemn things. The ground was full of seafood, and there were sea urchins he broke out on the cooking table. Shao Yan complained about the ignorance of these uninvited guests. After thinking about it, he asked Tian Fangli: "Is there any steamed rice at noon?"

Tian Fangli turned over. He looked for it: "There is still a little bit of Bijing rice, but not too much."

"You put the rice out, and then go to the cold storage to find the big roe and the beef I marinated in the morning."

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