Hollywood Ghost Club

294 6 1

Pairing: Luke Patterson x Fem!Covington!Reader

Written: January 18th, 2021

Posted: January 18th, 2021

Warning: None

Word Count: 862

Summary: Being the daughter of Caleb Covington you were the first member of the Hollywood Ghost Club

Summary: Being the daughter of Caleb Covington you were the first member of the Hollywood Ghost Club

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Finishing your set, you waited for the music to fade. Gazing out into the area where the audience would be, your eyes landed upon your father. His face was as stone as ever. Sighing, you knew he wasn't impressed with how you had just sung.

"Again." He spat, not bothering to give his critique nor any praise.

Groaning silently, you turned toward the rest of the band nodding slightly.

After you had finished practicing, you made your way backstage.

"Guys." A voice spoke.

Not bothering to gaze at the voice you continued about your actions.

"You're Y/N Covington aren't you?"

Turning to face him, you were met with three guys. One had blonde hair, while the other two shared dark hair.

"And you are?" You questioned sassily.


"I'm Alex." The blonde spoke giving a slight wave.



The blonde spoke motioning towards the other two guys.

"Nice to meet you." You spoke holding your hand out expectantly.

Sharing a weary glance, Alex reached to shake your hand.

Being dead for so many years, you were often overwhelmed with the desire for skin on skin contact. Touch was the one thing you had missed more than life itself.

As he hesitantly reached to touch your hand, you were expecting his hand to slip right through yours. Once his hand touched yours, a shared gasp fell from your lips. Gazing at Alex, his expression mirrored yours.

"H-How?" He asked in disbelief as he grasped your hand. "How are we doing this?"

"I-I don't know." You spoke squeezing his hand slightly.


Before you knew it, Reggie had wrapped his arms around you pulling you in for a tight hug.

"Oh." He whispered. "I've missed this." He muttered into your hair, as he rested his head against your hair. You wrapped your arms around his waist, pulling him tighter against you.

Humming in response, you turned toward Luke waiting for him to pull you in for a hug. Hesitantly he did so, pulling you snug against him. Warmth washed over you as hugged you. Resting your head against his chest, you listened to the phantom rhythm of his heart. Luke rubbed up and down your back soothing you.

"Where have you been?" Caleb questioned as you stepped into the house.

"I've...I've been with some friends." You muttered dropping your gaze to the ground.

"We don't have any friends." He hissed. "It's just you and me."


"Go to your room." He spat.

Nodding your head, you rushed toward the stairs, attempting to avoid the inevitable conversation.

"Oh, Y/N?" Caleb's voice questioned. "Stay away from those Julie and the Phantom Boys."

"Hey." You spoke greeting the boys as you walked into the garage.


"Oh, Hey, Y/N!"

"What're you guys doing?" You questioned, plopping down on the couch, gazing at the guys standing before you.

"We were just about to practice." Reggie sent you a smile.

Returning his smile, you dropped your gaze down to the ground before you.

"Want to stay and listen?"

You hummed in response.

Once they finished, you were met with a few pairs of expectant eyes. "What'd you think?" Luke's hopeful voice questioned.

"I...I.." Your voice trailed off. "You sound amazing!" You exclaimed, clasping your hands together.

Glancing at the clock, you let out a sigh. "I have to get going."

"Do you have to go?" Alex questioned while frowning.

You frowned as you hummed.

"Can I walk you home?" Luke questioned taking his guitar off.

"Sure." You grinned, gazing at him.

"So...Caleb's your dad, huh?"

Letting out a frustrated huff, you nodded your head. "Sadly."

Nudging his shoulder with yours, you let out a soft laugh, as he chuckled.

"He wants us to join his group," Luke spoke in a somber tone.

"Oh." You felt your heart drop.

"Do you think we should?" Luke questioned halting his movements in front of your house. His gaze turning expectantly.

Furrowing your eyebrows together, you were torn between telling him the truth about the club and endorsing the club. After all, Caleb is your father.

Frowning, you gazed at him. Before you knew it, you were leaning forward. Your nose brushed against his, as his hands found your waist taking a few steps forward pressing himself against you. Your breath mingling together at your close proximity.

Closing your eyes you allowed yourself to nuzzled his nose with your own gently. Lifting your hands, you laced them in his chocolate locks. Luke placed his lips on yours hesitantly. His lips were soft as silk. Pulling you impossibly closer, your chests were pressed together as his hands moved down resting comfortably on your hips.

Biting your bottom lip, he pulled back slightly before letting your lip snap back in place. Tracing the seam of your lip, he silently asked for entrance. Opening your mouth you allowed him to explore your mouth with his tongue, lapping against your tongue.

Pulling away before things could get too heated, you both panted as Luke let out a whine chasing you once you pulled away.

"Y/N!" Your father's voice echoed through your ears. "What do you think you're doing with...with him!"

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