Chapter FORTY- SIX

Start from the beginning

"I've always loved Nick. It was love at first sight when I saw him come in through the school entrance doors. I knew we were meant for each other. Then I walked up to him and talked to him. We started to talk. Well, I was the one doing the talking. All he wanted was to sleep with me. But I wanted more. Then I realized that something else was grabbing his attention....or should I say someone else?" She said and gave me a pointed look. I listened intently to her story.

"Then what happened?" I asked. She leaned forward on her seat as well, placing her elbow on the table.

"Then I realized it was Alex. He's always ditching me for her. They hang out literally all the time. It hurts me to see them together. I just want to rip off her stupid long hair and scratch her face" she said, glaring at the table. I winced a bit at how harsh she could be. " They even hung out yesterday night. My sister is working on a project and I saw a picture with her. It happened to be Nick and Alex in an intimate position" she added.

"She told me she slept early yesterday and that's why she didn't pick my calls. What time did your sister see her?" I asked, feeling dejected and betrayed.

"Around 12am or something" she shrugged. "She lied to you. She was probably out sleeping with Nick like she always does" she scoffed.

I...I feel used. I usually see Nick and Alex talking sometimes but I never thought of this because they don't talk so often. Nick always leaves when he sees Alex in our gathering. Is it because he can't bear to see her with someone else? Is that--No! I trust Nick. We've been best buds for years. He can't just betray me like this. But what about Alex? Is she really who I think she is?

"I need to go" I said, picking my phone and standing up. Stephanie looked at me, eyebrows furrowed.

"Hey, are you going to be fine? I know how you must feel after know that Alex has been cheating and all. " She said, standing up as well.

"She didn't cheat. She wouldn't" I said, assuring myself.

"Seems like you're convincing yourself to me." She smirked. " I'll drop you home" she said as she started walking over to the door.

"No. I can go myself and I can't go home right now" I said. The last thing I need is my father stuffing my head with business work. I checked the time, 8:12pm.  It's getting late.

"You can stay at mine" she offered. I looked at her and sighed. I have nowhere else to go to.

"Fine. Lead the way" I said. She gave me a triumphant smirk before walking out the doors of the cafe. I saw the waiter coming with the cappuccinos on a tray. He gave me a confused look. I dropped the money for the cappuccino in the tray he is carrying and left the cafe, following Steph.

Stephanie smirked at me from her car. "Get in darling, we don't have all day" she said and started to drive out of the parking lot. I got in my car as well and reversed out of the parking lot. I saw her car ahead of me and started to follow.

I have a lot on my mind. First, is Stephanie. Don't get me wrong, my parent's said I am getting engaged to her so I have to think of a way out. And second, Alex and Nick. Are they actually fooling around behind my back? Nick is actually good at that but I doubt he's ever try that with Alex right? But what if he did? And why did Alex lie to me? What if all what Stephanie said is true?

But this doesn't make sense and at the same time, does. Alex and I have been together for some weeks now. Why would she suddenly cheat? But, she doesn't tell me things about herself, it seems like she is hiding a lot so what if I don't actually know her and she actually cheated? What if I'm just one of the cards in her game?

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