chapter twenty-four

Start from the beginning

once we was in i let go of him.

"what was you thinking neville! he could of killed you without a second thought!" you shouted a bit louder then normal which made his face turn to fright but soon to a confused face.

"so.. your not going to k-kill me?" neville asked

"of course not.. just stay in here i'll get you a pillow and blanket and some herbology books so you don't get bored then once ive done eating i will come here to give you food just do not get out of here cause me and you both would be killed." you replied, i  felt bad for neville. he is such a sweet boy and everyone just makes fun of him for no reason.

"thank you y/n.. really" he replied giving me a small embrace. you was shocked by his sudden movements but you was shocked that he believed you since everything thinks like i killed dumbledore and a slytherin..

i knew i had to stop being friends with gryffindor's but i couldn't just let neville die.

i was walking back to the great hall when i heard a voice..

"harassing another first year like your brother?" i turned and saw seamus with an angry face expression.

i smile sickly at him and walked closer to him;

"when i do i'll tell you but it's none of your concern what i do..." i said turning round.

"it is our business.. you killed dumbledore" seamus replied. i saw red and instantly regret it but it was to late.

i turned back around and walked towards with a fast paste along with my wand in my hand pointing at him;

"don't you dare speak about that night! i didn't kill him but i will kill another person if they don't shut their mouth.." i shouted but whispered the last part to sound more threatening and pressing my wand harder into his throat

seamus just stared at me in an awe scared of what i would do.

i turned on my heel to go to snape.

later tonight:

i was awoke by pansy knocking on my door and told me snape called us for an "assembly" in the great hall, apparently harry was seen near hogwarts.

we was walking in our houses, me being at the front guiding them to the great hall.

we all stood there waiting for snape to say something..

"You are surely wondering why I have summoned you at this hour. It has come to my attention earlier this evening, Harry Potter was sighted in Hogsmeade." snape said looking at the students infront of him. small whispers broke out but soon stopped when snape spoke again...

"Now, should anyone, student or staff, attempt to aid Mr. Potter, they will be punished in a manner consistent with the severity of their transgression.." snape voice rang out, i looked over to McGonagall who has a sad expression on her face.

"Furthermore, any person found to have knowledge of these events who fails to come forward will be treated as... equally guilty. Now then..." snape said once again.. he stepped forwards towards the students

"..if anyone in here has any knowledge of Mr. Potter's movements this evening...I invite them to step forward... now." snape added stopping in his tracks to look at all the students

it was all quite for a moment until harry himself walked out to face snape..

".. I'm afraid it's quite extensive, how dare you stand where he stood. Tell them how it happened that night! Tell them how you looked him in the eye, a man who trusted you, and killed him! Tell them!" harry shouted which caused more whisperes to erupt and people to look at me since everyone thought i killed dumbledore.. i looked over at seamus who looked confused but i just lifted an eyes brows at him to tell him "i told you so.." . the doors the great hall opened to see hermione, ron and some other people who was here to help harry

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