"What about us?" Namjoon hyung looking at me with smile on his face.

"Jinnie, Joonie, Hobi" i said and made their smile even wider.

"Mine is still cuter" suga hyung said mocking them.

"No mine is" and so from that word they started fighting again, like i said they are childish.

"What a childish grownups" i said making them look at my way.

"Oohh~how bout i show you childish?" suga hyung looking at me smirking

"YAH YOONGI THAT CHILD IS INNOCENT" Jin yelled and smacks his head again.

"That fucking hurts, this is second one this day" he complained which made everyone laugh.

Authornim's POV

After a week of that they started to get to know more and the alpha's were planning on making their mate officially theirs.

"Jungkook-ah" Jin said looking at the younger.

"Yes jinnie?" the younger replied while petting suga's head that's laying on his lap.

"Please be our mate" Jin begged and made the younger shocked.

"But being mates means you have to feel the love so you can feel comfortable with them" Jungkook said pouting because he believes that mating without love is nothing but useless.

The alpha's understood and tried one more time.

"How bout we court you?" hoseok suggested and the others nod because they are having the same thought in mind,the younger giggled and just nod in response.

"Let's go to class" he stood up leaving the six behind me still in shock because he agreed.

No one is gonna lie, the past week they have hang-out with the younger made them fall in love with him deeply so having his agreement on their courting is one of the best things that may happen to them.

As he was walking down the hallway a smile from his face cannot be taken off its like it's glued to his face.

He walked inside his classroom still with a smile on his face.

"Kookie sensei is smiling" one student yelled pointing at him.

"Kookie sensei is in love" another student yelled and made him blush so hard that they are laughing now.

He started again teaching the four classes he had before lunch. On his way to the cafeteria there he saw Lisa yelling again, i mean there's nothing new.

"I told you dancing is way harder than singing" lisa protest and was fighting with nayeon.

"No SINGING IS" Nayeon yelled and their fight just goes on.

He sat down next to Chanyeol who's admiring the fight actually enjoying it.

"So what caused the fight?" Jungkook whispered to him making him smile.

"So this is what happend".

Chanyeol's POV

Me, nayeon and jaebum were talking of how exhausting today is than the other days and more complaints can be heard from us and stopped when lisa joined the conversation.

"Damn my body is aching" Lisa complained as she walks and holds his back.

"My throat hurts" nayeon complained, we all know that when lisa is complaining nayeon will also complain to compete.

Jungkook's POV

"They will never change" i said putting my hands on my face, i suddenly remembered that jaebum is not here.

"Hey chan, where's jaebum?" i ask once again.

"He couldn't handle the fights that this two brats are having so he just left" chanyeol said laughing his lungs out and suddenly stops when he felt dark gazes stabbing at him and when he checked who it was, it was Lisa and Nayeon looking at him like they're gonna kill him.

"Good talk" he said and ran.

"Park Chanyeol!!!" lisa and nayeon yelled in unison making the students laugh with their teachers childish personality the students and i is actually used of this situation every lunch and it also brighten their days which made me happy of course.

"They done?" jaebum ask showing up out of nowhere.

"Yup, they're chasing chan now" i replied showing him my bunny smile, jaebum can't help but touch the youngers cheeks and pinch them.

"Bunny you look so cute" he said still pinching my cheeks.

"Bummy it hurts" i complained.

"Okay I'll stop" he said laughing and left me, what a good friend i thought to myself.

I suddenly smelled a vanilla scent and followed it since its not that far away if i can smell it.

I walk to the schools garden near the cafeteria where students usually eats to have a peaceful environment, there i saw Joonie reading a book wearing his round glasses, "damn he's hot" i thought to myself, i decided to approach him and say hello but the bell suddenly rang.

"What a boomer" i mumbled, i was about to leave when a pair of hands suddenly got wrapped around my waist.

"Where do you think your going?"

*╚═══❖•ೋ° °ೋ•❖═══╝*

Edited : 6/7/21

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